"Bloody Moon" Overlooks the Earth in a Few Days


The lunar eclipse appears on Friday, July 27 in most parts of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and South America , but astronomers will not be able to see the lunar eclipse in their sky. (19659002) .This will become the second complete lunar eclipse of 2018, the first of which took place on January 31 and lasted 3 hours and 23 minutes, while the period in which total eclipse occurred, one hour and 16 minutes.

The total eclipse should continue The total eclipse is a rare event that occurs when the entire moon enters the shadow region of the Earth, in which case the entire lunar disc disappears and of large areas enter the space. From the planet in total darkness.

The next lunar eclipse is known as the "bloody moon" because the moon is in the shade, its color turns red instead of disappearing in the dark as expected, because of Rayleigh Scattering The spectrum of green and violet light is filtered through the atmosphere.

What makes this event particularly important is that the Earth crosses the sun. March from July to September, and on July 27, the red planet will be at the closest point to our skies since 2003, which means Earth observers will also have the closest and brightest view of the planet in 15 years.

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