(Blue Whale) and his counterpart (Marie) harvest two Arab girls .. painful information


(Blue Whale) and his counterpart (Mary) harvest two Arab girls. Painful reports, according to Donia Al-Watan, the Al-Wasat newspaper website, containing news about the Blue Whale, and her counterpart Mariam, are harvesting two Arab girls. Al-Wasat newspaper
The Saudi newspaper reports that a 13-year-old girl was killed in a village in Medina, Saudi Arabia, because of the blue whale's game.

This case is the second which the Kingdom witnessed in a few days, noting that the first incident occurred in Abha.

(19659003) It is worth mentioning that the devastating effects of the game Blue Whale, first arrived in Saudi Arabia, and caused the game the death of a child under the age of twelve

The The game managed to penetrate the Saudi border, causing the death of the child who complied with the orders of the game, which led to his living room.

According to the testimony of a parent of the child, Suicide after being affected by the game.

According to the National News Agency in Beirut, a young girl from 13 years old was killed by hanging and information that she had committed suicide in what was called the Maryam electronic toy.

The incident took place in the Jallul area of ​​the new road in Beirut, where security forces questioned the death of the girl, while his family refused to talk about it. pending the investigation.

A scary little girl named Mary is lost in the forest away from her parents' house and asks the user to help her go home by answering various questions, some of which violate confidentiality personal data of the player.

And similar to the game (Mary) game (الحو Blue T) that caused the suicide of many teenagers around the world.

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Source: Homeland

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