Brittal Angry: "Rush or Execution?" – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


., occulted the scene in the Bekaa. Protests, dams and protests continue since yesterday to protest the death of Ali Zaid Ismail (aka Escobar), his mother and many relatives and companions after several attacks on the army with weapons, bombs and propelled grenades by rocket. that the army patrolled along the international highway and even in the villages and towns of west Baalbeck, angry youths managed to block the international route throughout the morning, burning Partisan flags and portraits of political figures. In addition, banners were posted at the entrance of the city on behalf of the Al-Ismail family, expressing "their refusal to receive and participate in political parties or parties to offer a duty of consolation or consecration" .

A number of young men and women participating in the protest movement told Al-Akhbar that the security plan "does not necessarily require the exercise of this surplus of power by helicopters and medium-sized weapons , as he had decided to execute and liquidate the wanted people.

The protests came to an end after the Ismail family received the bodies of those killed in the army raid. The army command announced that he had handed over the bodies of seven of the eight people killed to his loved ones, fallen during the raid on the home of Ali Zeid Ismail's researcher, in addition to what last, the Syrian Hussein Ali al-Matar, Mohamed Zaid Ismail (brother of As a result of the follow-up, it was found that the reason for the presence of Na'aman was his constant reluctance to this house in order to take of the drug .. While the investigation continues to evacuate all the identity of the unknown body (VIII) "

The city of Brittal at the day of the funeral of the dead, this morning, after the invitations to participate in the funeral not in Brittal and in the neighborhood, "condolences by the people of Brittal Baalbek and Hermel with their families, their families and other communities."

The protests ended after the family d & rsquo; Ismail received the bodies of soldiers killed in the raid of the army

For his part, called the former deputy in the Loyalty to the resistance Hussein al-Moussawi to go quickly to

In turn, the Future Parliamentary Bloc hailed the operation of the army in the Al-Humoudiya city, claiming that it "falls within the framework of the government's decision, implemented by the security and military forces, to eliminate one of the most important From us

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