Burundi launches Ebola vaccination campaign for health workers


The campaign, launched Tuesday, is part of Burundi's preparation for a possible case of Ebola. The campaign will be implemented under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Health and AIDS, with the support of WHO. Financial support is provided by GAVI Alliance.

According to the WHO statement, Burundi has received doses of the Ebola vaccine (rVSV-ZEBOV) intended to provide protection against the Zairian strain of the virus that is currently infecting the Democratic Republic of Congo. "Although this vaccine has not yet been approved and its use has not yet been approved, it has been shown to be effective and safe during the Ebola outbreak." in West Africa, "said a UN agency, stressing the need for more scientific research before being able to get a license. Vaccine.

"Vaccination of health staff and front lines is an important step forward in the preparation for this disease," said Dr. Kazadi Mulumbo, WHO representative in Burundi, pointing out that the vaccine is a serious disease. was revealed to be highly protective against Ebola during an experiment conducted in Guinea in 2015.

Pending the authorization of the vaccine, the United Nations recommends that it be used for humanitarian purposes.

In the expectation of the opinion of the relevant regulatory authorities, the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Immunization Experts recommended the use of the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine in the framework for a protocol to expand access and euthanasia during the Zaire-related Ebola outbreak, such as the current strain in the Democratic Republic of Congo. "In Burundi, we will use it for prevention purposes," said Dr. Kazadi Mulumbo.

Vaccination is one of many preparedness measures that Burundi has planned to implement. WHO has deployed experts to support these activities and trained 50 national immunization officers.

The World Health Organization said that no cases of Ebola had been reported in Burundi, but that preparations remained crucial.

WHO has sent special vaccine carriers and lifted the cold chain of the expanded immunization program of the Burundian Ministry of Health by installing additional freezers suitable for this type of vaccine. The capacity of local laboratories to badyze samples of people suspected of being infected with Ebola has also been enhanced by the modernization of the National Institute of Public Health laboratory.

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