Camandi travel from the beauty contest platform to the death suit


A 25-year-old Kenyan court sentenced a 24-year-old queen to death for killing her boyfriend.

Ruth Kamandi is one of the Kenyan beauty queens, the most beautiful of Kenyan jails after being arrested for killing her boyfriend. Farid Mohammed is deliberately awaiting his execution today after his boyfriend Farid Mohammed was sentenced in 2015.

High Court Judge Jesse Lisset said, "I want young people to know that It is unacceptable to kill someone in this world He was forgiven. "

The court accused Kamande Bal of" manipulation and planning for the purpose of killing ", after that

Lisset noted that Kamandi has shown no remorse for his violent crime and has defended himself with conviction without any logical justification.

The victim's family supported Kamandi's sentence, "We are happy that this day has finally arrived, all criminals should be punished."

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