Candidates and procedures in Baabda avoid the financial crisis in Lebanon! | Manchite


Pending today's cabinet meeting and the outcome of the decisions made, the immediate outcome of the "Franchising and Reconciliation" session in Baabda, which President Nabih Berri has played a crucial role in his engineering and highlighted the fact that he led the Walid Jumblatt MP himself to Qabrishmon, and that MP Talal announced Arslan insists that a press conference will be held today. 39 to explain his position and the considerations that led him to participate in the meeting. This reconciliation will be followed by a meeting sponsored by Berri, also in Ain al-Tineh, between representatives of the Progressive Socialist Party and Hezbollah, ending weeks of tension before or after the appearance of Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah, insults As part of the celebration of the cessation of hostilities on August 14, 2006.

Although the economic factor played a decisive role in the organization of the meetings, the effects were soon diminished as the dollar-denominated bonds in Lebanese dollars rose yesterday after the country's leaders came together. in order to revolutionize the political crisis that paralyzed the government.

The 2030 issue rose more than 1 dollar cent to reach its highest price in a week, while the 2032 issue also increased by more than a cent, according to data from Tradeweb (Reuters).

Senior officials said the meeting yesterday had allowed the cabinet to meet for the first time since a gunshot incident on June 30. The absence of political dialogue has complicated efforts to advance the reforms needed to avert a financial crisis.

Before the departure, President Nabih Berri had only qualified what had happened of "realization" at a time when Jumblatt had expressed his concern to be comfortable with the atmosphere of the meeting.

In "General", it was announced that President Berri had authorized the publication of the results of his contacts after midnight and that he had ended his activities before that date, after two tweets addressed to Jumblatt and Arslan. By accepting his proposal, which had been blocked, when she collided with a series of political supporters, Without canceling the initiative or withdrawing processors.

The government resumes its work, but at least 40 days after tomorrow's suspension.

Guarantees of reconciliation

Despite last night's concealment of the five-party meeting at Baabda Palace, it was reported that the reconciliation was based on the foundations already established by President Berri and General Abbas Ibrahim, that is to say that the The military court would follow his investigations and decide accordingly what judicial order the crime would be based on. The Cabinet resumed its meetings starting today to follow up on the topics that had been decided forty days ago, namely the date of the June 30th Orchard Crime and the Council of Ministers meeting. could not take place on July 2, especially since the meeting took place on the eve of the Prime Minister's trip to Washington after the holidays that he will spend with his family. In the friendly sting, he came after the statement of the American embbady in Beirut, which implicitly urged the parties to independent judicial and political treatment, while the most important concern in all these movements and positions is to save the economic and financial situation of the country, stop corder and political security.

It was learned that after the failure of unsuccessful efforts on Thursday, there had been a communication between Presidents Aoun and Berri, during which it had been agreed to continue the effort and to give Berri was instructed to follow up and ask Berri to hold a frank session followed by a reconciliation. The contacts took place until Hanbalat and Arslan had agreed in exchange for guarantees or badurances for the two men, to be agreed at the meeting. To rebadure Jumblatt not to target him, Arslan made sure not to bend the crime record and hold the perpetrators accountable. Hezbollah has been involved in contacts with Arslan. (See the full story, p.2)

While Jumblatt expressed his satisfaction after the meeting, Baabda expressed his satisfaction for the atmosphere of the meeting and made no comment despite the "general" contact with him on several occasions. President Berri describes what happened as a "fulfillment", Democratic Party sources declined to comment and said it would issue the appropriate position at the right time. However, it was noted that MP Arslan had come out of the meeting smiling and relaxed.

Informed sources told Al-Liwaa that the meeting of "openness and reconciliation," as it was agreed to describe at Baabda Palace, was characterized by responsibility and freedom. The handshake, the candor and then the reconciliation, but the two men did not exchange kisses and limited themselves to shaking hands when they met. The meeting was waiting each in a side room, and Arslan was seen with a yellow envelope. Hold a press conference yesterday.

The same sources said that the meeting had focused on topics related to the Qabrshmun incident – the orchards and the situation on the ground and all the details, describing what had happened during the opening session in silence.

The sources said that the military justice would follow up on his investigations, which was agreed and satisfied the judicial request, while the request not to return the Qabrishmon incident to the Justice Council satisfies the Progressive Socialist Party but the same sources pointed out that the resumption of the meetings of the Council of Ministers was the one requested by Presidents Aoun, Berri and Hariri. Having reached the data, messages and warnings that the country will remain without government.

The sources denied that the meeting addressed any personal rights projection.

It was learned that the nocturnal contacts led by the concerned persons continued until dawn yesterday in order to make the reconciliation initiative a success.It was agreed upon at one contact Night between Presidents Aoun and Berri to activate what the President of the Council had previously proposed to achieve the reconciliation between Jumblatt and Arslan along with investigations conducted in the Qabrishmoun case.

It was announced that Prime Minister Hariri would read the declaration of rapprochement entitled Initiative: "The judiciary conducts the investigation in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.The Council of Ministers takes the appropriate decision in light of the results of these investigations.

President Berri described what was accomplished as a "realization", while Jumblatt said he was satisfied with what happened and only Arslan smiled. Minister Gebran Bbadil was seen at the Baabda Palace during the meetings, but did not participate.

His sources said that while welcoming any frankness, he pointed out that:

"- put things in perspective: frankness and reconciliation between Joumblatt and Arslan and nobody has managed to turn the conflict into sectarianism from generation to generation.

– We are concerned that justice is running and we have no conditions.

– Politicians wishing to badert the political right of all to freedom of movement in all Lebanese regions and will not accept any monopoly, monopoly or isolation of any region or component and will emphasize our position parliamentary and popular in the Haut-Shouf ".

Money and economy

Parallel to the "opening and reconciliation" meeting that brought together Jumblatt and Arslan, under the auspices of the three presidents, the Baabda Palace witnessed a meeting of great financial importance in order to strengthen political and financial stability and to put in place the necessary procedures and arrangements to exit the crisis in the country.

To highlight the importance of this meeting, attended by the Minister of Finance, Ali Hbadan Khalil, the Minister of Economy, Mansour Btaish, the Minister of Presidential Affairs, Salim Jreissati, the chairman of the commission Parliamentary Finance, MP Ibrahim Kanaan, Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh, President of the Association of Banks, and President Antoine Choucair. The statement issued by the two communities, especially because it was one of its first results, should be followed by the rapprochement of Joumblatt-Arslan, the increase in the value of bonds in Lebanese dollars, a sign which should give a Positive image of the credit rating issued by Moody's on September 23rd. Taking advantage of the cleansing of the current political climate, in the country and return to the regular functioning of institutions, the vanguard of the Wazzra Council.

The statement stressed the meeting's commitment to continue to maintain the stability of the exchange rate of the lira and credit, to agree on a number of measures to activate the economy and strengthen the public finances, and directly discuss the "Mackenzie" report, including: the approval of the 2020 budget on its constitutional dates and its commitment to strictly implement the 2019 budget, Establishing a detailed plan for launching investment projects $ 3.3 billion to the House of Representatives, in addition to the Seder projects, and commit to fully implement the electricity plan with its relevant credentials and adopt a number of reform laws, including : Tax evasion, customs procedures, tax procedures and coordination with the House Legislative Modernization Committee, activation of the work of the ministerial committees the completion of judicial reform steps and strengthening of the work of central inspection and control bodies, strict control of waste and corruption, re-examination of useless institutions and abolition as provided for in previous laws.

While describing the meeting's statement as similar to a new, very brief ministerial statement, informed sources revealed that the meeting had been scheduled before and separately from the reconciliation meeting and that she was inscribing herself in the meeting. the context of coordination between the legislative and executive authorities in the coming stages, given the existence of the files that require it.

According to ministerial sources, the presence of Berri has valued the cooperation between these two authorities. Minister Khalil, in response to a question about the interdependence of the currency and reconciliation, pointed out that there was no economic stability without political stability, highlighting the high prices of bonds in Lebanese Dollars prior to meeting and issuance The statement may be affected by this credit rating.

For his part, Aoun expressed satisfaction at the results of the financial and economic meeting held at Baabda Palace, stressing the need for cooperation to achieve the goals agreed at the meeting.

Regarding the franchise and reconciliation meeting, President Aoun said that after the completion of the security procedure to address the Qabrshmoun incident by restoring security and safety in the region, the military justice system investigated the crime, according to the judicial process, and that the political route was addressed at the meeting held at the palace Thus, the ways traced by President Aoun since the first day that has crime monitoring has been integrated into security, judicial and political affairs, and military justice will continue its investigations.

The sources indicated that the entire file was being processed by the institutions of the Authority at the political, security and judicial levels.

Touch Building

Regarding the record of the building "Touch", the Minister of Communications, Mohamed Choucair, said at a press conference during which he stated that "this building has become months of Burj Khalifa" , adding that "I was before four options, first, not to do anything The second option was to buy land in Solidere and build a building, and the third to rent, costing 75 million, but we made a purchase.

He felt that "many voices have been voiced and that there are people who are enemies of this country and are launching slogans to fight against corruption. What encouraged me to act, is what was said during the budget sessions so that everyone requires the property and I have done what is dictated by my conscience and in the State interest ".

He pointed out that he "saved the state by buying the building that it was clear that after 10 years and because of the cost of rent, we would spend $ 94 million for free, but that today and through my efforts, the state will own this building after 10 years ". Alpha.

He stressed that "I did not send any official to the Minister of Finance, and he met with him during one of the meetings and met with Prime Minister Hariri and the Minister of Finance and all political forces know the subject ".

He said that "the case is in the court system and that, to make the appropriate decision, all attacks today are empty and will not affect us, we are progressing and we can evolve".

The financial meeting with the participation of Ministers Khalil Battish, MP Kanaan and President of the Association of Banks Sfeir (Photo: Dalati and Nahra)

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