Carole Samaha .. A Roadmap to Success


Carole Samaha, Lebanese singer and actress, received her Master's degree in singing and conducting in 1999, and began her career as an actress in the theater.
She was known by Mansour Rahbani as a turning point in her life. His album "Dream" in 2003 won the title of best 2004 singer of the Arab Music Company in Dubai and won the Merox Award for best album album "Al-Hadoudi Al-Samma".
She was famous for her film "Ahlam Omrana" Shaaban
Carole Samaha was born on July 25, 1972, and has sung several successful music videos and participated in several musicals. Produced by Mansour Al-Rahbani, including the last days of Socrates in 1998, Abu al-Tayeb al-Mutanabi in 2001 and the kings of the sects in 2003 and Zlubia in 2007.
Carole Samaha begins her art debut with the deceased musician Mansour Al-Rahbani early 1999 Lebanon, started in 2003 with the song "Childhood".
The theater was famous for the music of the last days of Socrates and in the cinema of the Sea of ​​Stars and television Eve through history and the poet Sabah. Third millennium "with the same musician and composer Mansour Mansour Rahbani was famous for this song about Muslim and Christian brothers and the same year after his work with Mansoor Rahbani in the album" Helm "Karol was best known for his album" Lights of Fame "and her most famous album" Hadomi Al Sama. "She released the rest of her racing albums," I'm Free "in 2004," Highlights of Fame "in 2006, and participated in a large number of theatrical works where she played the absolute heroine "Zenobia" 2007 Under the name of LACARAM, the album "Borderline Somma" was presented with great success and received the Murex Award for the role of 2010. [19459003Allwantedonanivilovember2013inLimbadol(Cyprus)thepresidentoftheAl-NaharetheproprietariesofthedayjournalogueWalidMustafaunefillwasnamedTalaquiadonnesixalbumsdontleernieris"MyMemories"in2016
Al-Shahroura ", in which she played the role of Lebanese singer Sabah
who sang the song "Sahabi" in the video clip of her grandmother's house in Lebanon

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