Challenge the budget today before the Constitutional Council – Spider Australia News – Australia News


Last update: 14 minutes ago

SOURCE: Al – Sharq Al – Awsat Newspaper


Author: Electronic spider

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The budget was challenged today before the Constitutional Council

The retired army is expected to appeal the provisions of the 2019 budget to the Constitutional Council, after having obtained the signature of more than 10 deputies to appeal certain articles of the finance law for 2019 , especially those relating to the imposition of medical expenses on their pensions, as well as progressive income tax on these salaries.

Retired Brigadier General Sami al-Ramah said in a statement that the appeal they were filing "is not only aimed at lifting the injustice of retired military personnel, it also benefits from the consequences its success for all those who receive a salary or pension from civilians and servicemen, serving or retired ".

Appealing to the Constitutional Council, one of the highest judicial and regulatory authorities in Lebanon, requires the signature of more than a dozen deputies. It is examined by the Constitutional Council, delivers its decision and forwards it to Parliament.

He said retired Brigadier General George Nader, in a statement on the radio yesterday, that 12 MPs would sign to challenge a number of budget documents, noting that MP Jamil al-Sayed had refused to sign for special circumstances , while MP Antoine Banu "committed to defend the point of view of his bloc, but sympathetic to us." This "who was the spearhead has signed the call".

This came just after the announcement by the Lebanese Judges 'Club that 11 deputies had signed the appeal prepared by the Judges' Club in certain articles concerning judges in the budget before the Constitutional Council.

SOURCE: Al – Sharq Al – Awsat Newspaper

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