Chinese study warns: congested roads threaten men's fertility for these reasons


Threats to men's fertility

A recent Chinese study warned men living near busy main roads that they might have more pollution-related fertility problems.

The study conducted by the University of Guangzhou in China showed that toxic fumes reduce blood flow to the male badia, making it vulnerable to the risk of erectile dysfunction, as well as fatigue caused by lung damage, reported the Sun newspaper.

"For the first time, our study revealed the effect of car exhaust gases on erectile organs," said Dr. Shankun Chao, who participated in the study. "These findings raise concerns about the potential role of long-term exposure to benzene emissions in the development of erectile dysfunction."

This study fits into a set of evidence indicating a growing correlation between polluted air and diseases, as well as fertility.

A study conducted by scientists in Hong Kong and published in 2017 revealed that men living in areas heavily polluted by air had undergone a marked sperm deformity.

Previous medical studies have shown that pollution increases the risk of bad and mouth cancer, autism in children, as well as heart disease.

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