Claims to Block the Fortnite Game Due to Violent Content


Epic Games' Fortnite Battle Royal is now available on almost every platform, making it the largest game in the world, turning it into a cultural phenomenon that has hit the world and made a huge change in games. More than 125 million users in less than a year, but there are many people who do not like the violent content that it offers.The idea of ​​shooting is that you are not armed and surrounded by 99 players trying to kill you.

The game provoked controversy all over Australia, according to The Sun Herald reported . While some believe it's another harmless game, it has won a lot of money. In a way similar to the game. Pokemon Go, but some think it's a dangerous game and try to ban it, depending on its very violent content for kids, and the addictive nature of the game affects their behavior in the clbadroom.

The popularity of Fortnite Battle Royal, released in July last year, rose as soon as a free version was released in September, with the ability to play on platforms of games, smartphones, tablets and computers, and downloaded more than 45 million Since then, it has been described as having an addictive effect similar to Minecraft's Minecraft effect.

The company Epic Games is committed to supporting electronic sports at Fortnite Battle Royal for $ 100 million [19659003] in prizes this year, and it is possible to earn money by educating other players. There are people who broadcast their educational services on social networking platforms, as well as the opportunity to earn money by broadcasting on social networking sites like Twitch.

Leonie Smith

one of Australia's leading e-security experts, says children are very excited about gambling and have heard fears from teachers who can not keep "The comments I receive from parents and teachers indicate that the game is highly addictive, that children play a lot, and that they go to school and that they talk", Smith said. Always watch them, and even watch videos of other children playing I am very tired because of the pleasure of wanting to play better. "

The British Daily Mail reported last month that British Culture Minister Matt Hanbad had worried parents about the addictive nature of the game while issuing a warning to parents

Hankock told the Daily Telegraph : "There can be a negative impact on the lives of our children by using devices for a long time, whether via platforms social networks or video games. , And a lifestyle that includes exercise and social awareness in the real world. "

An Australian group wants to do it, asking the Australian Fortnite Battle Royal Board to ban to date more than 918 supporters of the ban.The petition claims that the game makes children insensitive to violence and will create a new generation of violence

Although the game's warnings indicate that people must play in a certain age group of 12 and over, Lyons Smith believes that the parents' responsibility is to determine whether the children should play them as mature or not, and said that the game should not be compared to other shooting games such as Call of Duty. " do not like playing games or guns because of what you stand for, you will not like this game very much. "

A petition from the Australian group appeared just a day after reporting [19659003] about a nine-year-old girl in rehabilitation at the Royaum e-Kingdom after becoming so addicted to the game that she's wet to avoid leaving the game and beat her father (D.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (&) # 39;) script {jsdk =; = id; js.async = true; js.src = ""; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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