Coordination between Hezbollah and Damascus for "the initiative of return"


The committee responsible for Hezbollah announced yesterday that it was willing to accept requests from Syrian refugees wishing to return home voluntarily, except Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm.

The Committee identified the centers for the acceptance of return requests and telephone numbers for this purpose in the cities of Baalbek, Hermel, Labwa, Bednayel, the southern suburbs, Nabatiyeh, Tire, Bint Jbeil and Adisah .

Sources close to Hezbollah told the paper that the synchronization between the initiative announced by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah and the statement of the Syrian Foreign Ministry is not a coincidence but a evidence of coordination between the party and the Syrian authorities. Thousands of convoys will see thousands of people returning to Syria.

Follow-up sources told Al Akhbar newspaper that the first objective is to work on displaced people who want to return, before looking for ways to convince and rebadure displaced people who do not want to and rebadure them on the Syrian side.

The sources do not hide the difficulty of the responsibility of the group and the complexity of the logistical process which requires the preparation of the names and their examination with the Lebanese public security and the official Syrian authorities, as well as the destruction of many towns and villages recently released. Some of them for life, with the efforts of Syrian state institutions in the liberated areas to restore the service requirements and start the infrastructure workshop.

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