Damascus after Nasrallah's intervention: We are ready to receive all the displaced today


Do traders, farmers, and industrialists demand that Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri and the country's leaders help them facilitate their trade, reduce their costs, and increase their exports to the Arab world?

The first concerns land crossings with Arab countries, and the second allows the voluntary return of a million Syrians displaced to safe places in their country as soon as possible.

In the news, Hariri discussed with the President of the Republic Michel Aoun on the eve of the last parliamentary elections, and promised that he would support an amendment to the government's position on the issue of coordination with Syria after 7 May.

It should be noted that Hariri, as well as others, from Lebanese forces to local MP Walid Jumblatt, to Arab and international references, urge President Aoun not to open channels of communication with the Syrian government in a formal and broad framework. (19659002) In contrast to this impbade, Hezbollah decided not to wait for the Lebanese government, [65] Meanwhile, Major General Ibrahim was working to organize the return of the majority of Syrians displaced to their homes by providing them with facilities for displaced persons or dealing with their outstanding files with the Syrian government. The return of those who wish and accept for this purpose Syrian references on a mechanism that requires the preparation of nominative lists of those wishing to return to Damascus, undergoing legal examination, and bring appropriate responses to the Lebanese public security. If their return is voluntary or forced. That's what's happening up here, and what will continue, where public security committees active among displaced Syrians that there are settlements including three thousand displaced Syrians, including one thousand Palestinians residing in Syria want to return, and will organize their voluntary return to Damascus next week, With the Syrian government and the Palestinian embbady in Beirut, the Syrian government has however decided to stop the operation, according to information in the Lebanese capital, pending the official announcement of the launch by Lebanon of the process of coordination and dialogue with Damascus in public. However, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah's interventions with Syrian leaders have made Commander Ibrahim a high-ranking Syrian decision that Damascus is ready to receive all Syrian refugees in Lebanon today. Syrian sources said that General Ibrahim has informed that Damascus is awaiting the return of all IDPs and that he will return them today before tomorrow and that he will take all measures to ensure a return. safe and respectful of their homes and a liberation from exploitation and humiliation suffered

"The Syrian leadership decided to grant all Syrian returnees the opportunity organize all their legal affairs, with great facilities in the reconstruction of their homes and the inclusion of those who wish in the local police stations. It was found that of the approximately 5,000 Syrians who returned individually or through public security, none of the returnees were investigated, arrest or otherwise, as was the case.

But rudeness reached one of them to the point of questioning the validity of Hezbollah to announce a program of restoration of displaced Syrians. When the international official was questioned about the secret of his protest, he said that things should go through the Lebanese state, not by a specific party: Why do not you invite the Lebanese government to take this measure instead of political parties? Later, the international leader was informed that alongside Hezbollah, the Free Patriotic Movement and the Syrian Socialist Party would launch programs of action to achieve the same goal and that the displaced would spontaneously initiate committees to contact these forces to organize the return. A significant number of South Sudanese are expected to be released after being released from armed terrorist groups

. On the other point concerning the border crossings with Jordan and Iraq, Al-Akhbar learns that Damascus is not thinking of opening crossing points. With Iraq and Jordan, and that step if it will be very limited and limited to Syrian traders, and that Lebanese exports can not cross the Arab countries through Syria that after a official agreement between the Lebanese and Syrian governments. According to Syrian sources, in Syria, Syria will not provide free services to anyone after that date, and the Lebanese government, the Lebanese political forces and all the Lebanese authorities, from the presidencies to the ministries to the other parties, are entirely responsible. damage suffered by Lebanese farmers and traders. Current exports of Damascus are very limited during these periods and, therefore, if Lebanon or other Arab countries need these crossings, "find the most appropriate way to communicate with the Syrian government."

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