Daoud: 5,000 trucks ready for a commercial exchange between Jordan and Syria


Truckers captain Muhammad Khair Al-Daoud confirmed that there were 5,000 Jordanian trucks ready to transport and exchange goods if the Jordan-Syria border was officially opened and resume trade between the two countries
Al-Daoud said in a statement that "the resumption of trade relations between the two countries will allow the return of trade in goods at the Jordanian-Syrian border."
The mayor of Sarhan, engineer Khalaf Al-Sarhan, said: And a break that had been closed after the closure of the Jordanian-Syrian border, pending the opening of the border n & # 39;
The opening of the border will allow the people of the region who lost their jobs and their jobs because of the border closure, to occupy the jobs that they worked in these shops and toilets And the joint Jordanian-Syrian Free Zone.
Khalaf 'Ashawi, from the Sama al-Sarhan region, said traders, who had closed their doors as a result of the border closure, "are now working on the transformation of their stores, The municipality "More than 200 people in the area lost their jobs because of the closing of the shops and toilets, which gave them financial income and their families, some of whom were working in loading, unloading and customs clearance. "
" The loss of this sector due to ongoing crises amounted to about 755 million Jordanian dinars. "The opening of the Iraqi border to the Jordanian cargo movement will take its role in reducing of the loss of the sector, A significant and important market for Jordan because it shortens the time intervals.
Awad The opening of the Trebil crossroads has a positive and significant impact on Jordan e t Iraq, given the importance of trade in goods between the two sides and the return of economic life between the two countries.
Al-Daoud pointed out that trade between Jordan and Iraq is now carried out through nearly 100 trucks a day to transport goods to trade on the border between the two countries. Previously, he was tinted He stressed that the return of trucks between the Jordanian and Iraqi parties and the increasing number of daily newspapers will promote the revitalization of the economic reality of the truck sector in terms of the existence of many professions related to this sector and opening up areas affected by the blockage of trucks, auto parts, mechanics and others. Professions.

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