Details of the program of the 54th session of the Hammamet International Festival


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The International Hammamet Festival held a press conference on Tuesday, July 3, during which it announced the programming of the 54th session, to be held on 8 July and will continue until August 18, 2018. The course, For lovers of life "40 art performances and avant-garde between music, theater and cinema.

The director of the 54th session of the International Hammamet Festival, Munira Al-Muneef, said that the festival management decided to open and conclude with a Tunisian spirit by presenting the play "Fear "from Fadel Ja 'aibi and Jalila Bakkar at the opening. Estimated at two million dinars, and ticket prices range from 25 to 65 dinars.

On the other hand, Shakra Ramah, artistic advisor for theatrical programming and choreography, and Iqbal al-Hamzawi, artistic advisor in charge of music programming, point out that programming choices are mainly based on innovation and innovation. l & # 39; innovation.

In response to a question on the Republic website why the selection of "scared" to Jalila Bakar to open this session and the case that this piece was presented in addition to a local festival and Arab Mounira has stressed that the game of fear is the production in 2018. The program has been widely criticized because some of the participants participated in the previous session, in addition to the lack of diversity in the Tunisian voices, and we note that the International Festival of Hammamet will be celebrated The woman is titled "Women and a half" by the Tunisian artist Rzad Hilal, will also pay tribute to one of the important theatrical experiences, and we hear the CAF tape, where the game will be displayed "The Arrivals" will be honored by the way the founder of this group, the late Moncef Souissi and some who have gone through this band.

One of the most important performances to be presented during this session is the screening of Serbian filmmaker and musician Amir Kosturiko, who will participate twice on July 20 and 21, the first of which will be a concert with the group that accompanies it, The film "On the way to milk" is the latest film directed by Monica Bellucci. On July 19, the public of the baths will have an appointment with the owner of "My bread for my mother's bread" and the summit of the summit ", the Lebanese artist Marcel Khalife, accompanied by his son pianist Rami Khalifa and of the rhythmist Aimorik Westerich

Here is the detailed program of the 54th session of the International Hammamet Festival:

July 8th: A game of fear for Djelila Bakkar
July 10th: A dance show in full swing Air Bahri Ben Yahmad and Philly Vu Armiti
July 11: "For Ghazi Zghbani
July 12: Presentation of" Faheen Al-Anbar "to enlarge the factory and Algerian Mohammed Adlana in Farkani directed by Mohamed Al-Aswad
July 13: The play "The Arrivals" by Sami Al-Nasri
July 14: Musical show Thomas de Burquery

July 14: YINNA show 2018 Zuhair Kouja
July 17 : A musical performance of the group indignation
July 19:
July 20: A film on the Milky Way
July 21: A musical performance of the Prince of Costa Rica
July 22: Jahida Wehbe
July 24: Music: "We love the country" by Mohamed Ali Al-Aqrabi and Ybader Grady
July 26: African musical performance by Omar Souza, Seko Kaita and Gustav Ovalis
July 27: musical performance of Tunisian clues. (July 1945) July 28: Musical performance of Syrian artist Faia Yunan
July 29: Tunisian theatrical performance "Between life and death"
July 30: Dancer / Curatorial representation: One and only for Emad Juma.
July 30: musical performance of a Tunisian-French dancer
July 31: musical performance of Leiba Touji and Osamah Rahbani
August 1: Freedom House piece of Chazli Arfaoui

August 3: Musical show of the Egyptian group "Downtown"
Oct. 4: Tunisian musical show "The revolution of the birds of Mounir Al-Parodi
Oct. 7: Spanish dance show" Catedral "
Oct. 8: Tunisian musical performance "veins of Badr al-Din al-Deridi
8 Ott: musical performance" The way of Maqam "by Ziad Zouari

August 10: Music of Nordestan
August 10: Algerian music show Sufian Saidi and Mazelda
August 11: Musical Presentation of Portugal "Kamani"
August 12: Theatrical Show "I
August 14: A musical performance of the artist Shahrazad Hilal" Women and a half "
August 14: "Dandri" musical performance of Mohamm ed Al-Khashnawi
: Nawal Iskandarani's Ra Music Show "Life of Life"
Oct 18: A musical performance of Ben Ali

Sanaa Al Majri

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