Detection of the date of supply of treatment to eliminate Alzheimer's disease

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The badociation said Alzheimer Scientists have come to "point of transformation", having conducted several studies on this disease, noting that they will be able to develop an injection to fight Dementia.

The badociation added that the injection would target The genes Responsible for the development of the disease.

Dr. James Beckett, head of research at the Alzheimer Society, said: "Many puzzles still surround the subject, but we hope for good solutions in the future."

He continued: "We now have genetic knowledge as the researchers have done in the field Cancer 30 years ago. We are investing in their understanding and exploitation. "

The injection will be produced to prevent the accumulation protein Harmful to the brain responsible for Alzheimer's disease safely.

It works Protein As part of the immune system of the patient's body against infections, especially in the brain and spinal cord.

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وتلقي الدراسة الحديثة, التي أجراها باحثون من جامعة جونز هوبكنز في بالتيمور, أكبر مدن ولاية ميريلاند الأميركية, الضوء على المرض المرتبط بتقدم الإنسان في العمر, حيث يمكن أن تمنح أملا جديدا في التشخيص المبكر له بغية علاجه أو إبطاء أعراضه.

ويقضي الفحص بحقن جزيئات إشعاعية في الجمجمة, تهدف إلى إضاءة "لوحات", ترتبط بالبروتين في الدماغ, والذي يعتقد أنه المسؤول عن التدهور المعرفي.

وتشكل هذه البروتينات مجموعة من الكتل, تخنق وتدمر الخلايا العصبية, مما يؤدي إلى فقدان الذاكرة والإصابة بالزهايمر.

وقال كبير الباحثين في الدراسة, الدكتور دين وونج, إن إحدى أكبر المشكلات في دراسة الزهايمر هي عدم القدرة على مشاهدة هذه البروتينات في الوقت الحقيقي.

وأضاف: "من خلال هذا الفحص الجديد, يمكننا رؤية البروتينات وتحديد مكامن الخلل في الدماغ, في حال توفرها".

ووفق آخر إحصائيات خاصة بعام 2018, فإن نحو 5.7 ملايين أميركي, من مختلف الأعمار, يعانون من مرض الزهايمر. ويتوقع أن يرتفع هذا العدد إلى 14 مليون بحلول 2050.


According to the latest statistics for 2018, about 5.7 million Americans of all ages suffer from diseases. Alzheimer. This number is expected to reach 14 million by 2050.

As the numbers appear in United Kingdom That 850,000 people coexist with the disease, at a time when no final treatment has been achieved.


The Alzheimer Society said the scientists had reached a "turning point" after conducting several studies on the disease, noting that they would be able to develop an injection to combat dementia.

The injection would target the genes responsible for the development of the disease, the badociation said.

"There are still a lot of puzzles to solve, but we expect good solutions in the future," said Dr. James Pickett, head of research at the Alzheimer Society.

"We now have genetic knowledge as cancer researchers 30 years ago, and we are now investing in understanding and exploiting this knowledge," he said.

He added that the injection would be intended to prevent the accumulation of harmful proteins in the brain, responsible for Alzheimer's disease, safely.

The protein acts as part of the body's immune defense system against infections, particularly in the brain and spinal cord.

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And receive Modern study, Led by researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, Maryland's largest city, highlights the disease badociated with aging, in which it can give new hope for early diagnosis to cure or slow down symptoms.

The test involves injecting into the skull radiation molecules intended to illuminate "Paintings" related to the protein in the brain, which is believed to be responsible for cognitive decline.

These constitute protein A group of blocks, strangling and destroying neurons, leading to memory loss and Alzheimer's disease.

The lead author of the study, Dr. Dean Wong, said that one of the biggest problems in the study Alzheimer Is the inability to watch these proteins in real time.

He added, "With this new test, we can see the proteins and identify the brain defects, if any."

According to the latest statistics for 2018, about 5.7 million Americans of all ages are suffering from Alzheimer's disease. This number is expected to reach 14 million by 2050.


According to the latest statistics for 2018, about 5.7 million Americans of all ages are suffering from Alzheimer's disease. This number is expected to reach 14 million by 2050.

Figures in the UK show that 850,000 people are living with the disease, but no final treatment has been found.

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