Did Argillas cause weight gain ?!


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A new study shows that smokers are more likely to be overweight and develop type 2 diabetes than nonsmokers after inhaling argella smoke .

The results of the study conducted by the College of Brighton and the School of Medical Suicks link obesity, diabetes and blood diseases strongly related to smoking Arguila, while it is negatively badociated with smoking.

The study involved 8,840 people, including 6742 non-smokers, 976 people who quit smoking, 864 cigarette smokers and 1067 argilists, as well as 41 cigarette and argilla smokers. During the study, participants' baseline characteristics were compared to the results of their biochemistry controlled by blood tests.

Professor Gordon Vernes, head of medical education at the University of Brighton and the Susbad School of Medicine, said that "the damage caused by the consumption of a session of". arghila are more important than the risk of smoking a pack of cigarettes, and the amounts of inhaled toxic compounds are often greater. "

"There is now good evidence that smoking causes many damages and risks to human health, it is firmly linked to some scientifically proven cancers, as well as a major cause of cardiovascular disease development," he said. declared.

Experts warn that the long-term effects of argillosis on health are often more dangerous than smoking. Therefore, additional efforts must be made to reduce their attractiveness for younger generations.

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