Two young men at the age of roses fell on the altar of the homeland and their fall had a painful impact on the hearts of the Lebanese and profoundly upset the Druze Almohads, some Druze and some Christians. We do not know the details of the tragic incident, nor whoever shot the first bullet and caused the death, but all we know is that two young people were killed as a result of Actions, positions, provocative speeches and challenges related to vigilance. Wars and graves were awakened and the sleeping gangs woke up and aroused frightened feelings and souls.
Angry reactions are justified, but no one can justify a murder, no matter what the cause, especially if the murder is intentional, conceived and conceived. This is what investigations must reveal, as all accused appear in court.
The Justice Council will not bring Samer and Rami back to life, the courts will not restore their souls and comfort their people, but the truth must come: anyone who appears implicated in this heinous crime must be judged and punished.
It is true that the tragedy is great and that the wound is deep. It is necessary and necessary to follow the legal path and resolve the problem serenely and reliably, but it is not permissible to disrupt the government, to delay the budget and to eliminate the only hope that the decisions of the Cedars Conference for Lebanon and Lebanon.
The economic, financial and subsistence situation can not offer the luxury of stubbornness, challenge and "speech evaluation". Dancing on the edge of the abyss, every day that pbades from the age of the convention, which is close to half of the State, without production nor serious work nor decisions and laws that deal with the problems that hover over the country, .
US sanctions against Hezbollah and the call for boycott and isolation will exacerbate the financial problem and put the Lebanese state and banks in the front of a large group of Lebanese represented by the "party" in parliament and to the government.
"The country's interest is that Saad Hariri remain Prime Minister," said Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah. What are the benefits of Sayyed Sayyed, the presence of a beleaguered prime minister who is prevented from working, an inactive government, ministers boycotting, exchanging accusations and insults and not meeting each other?
Do Ministers not know that the poverty rate exceeds 40%, unemployment 35% and bankruptcy threatens most institutions and businesses?
Do you not know, sir, that the danger of war is approaching and that we will face radical regional transformations in the countries of the region? Why stubbornness and vanity and play the fate of the homeland?
Is the team of disabled people not the same as the one that has already closed the House of Representatives and paralyzed the country and left the Baabda presidency empty for two and a half years? Is not the team that paralyzed the country for nine months to form a government on the basis of "weight" and "weight", then we have a government that is united only by hatred and hate and the pursuit of opportunities and quotas?
Is not it shameful that the fate of the government meeting rests on the ropes of rival and distant rulers and on the bow of the council of justice? Is it not wrong to treat in this way the country's political, economic and financial problems, as well as citizens' concerns about life, lifestyles and the environment?
Is this how we restore the trust of citizens and investors, the international community and rating institutions? We build the homelands? We take care of the Qabershmon incident and bandage the wounds of the mountain.
The truth of the said: the evidence of the stupidity of three: stubbornness, vanity, and hang in the eye.
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