Does Iran's economic crisis threaten a spiritual presidency?


The Spanish daily "Clarin" publishes a report in which it discusses the impact of the deterioration of the economic situation in Iran, following US pressure and sanctions, on the future of the presidency Hbadan Rohani . The paper said in its report that "the Iranian economic crisis continues to undermine the credibility of Iranian President Hbadan Rowhani, facing the aspirations of his people."

The newspaper reported that "last Sunday, a large number of rumors Rohani's resignation in the near future."

The United States has tightened the grip on Rouhani and l 39; have stalemated since it abandoned the nuclear deal, for which the Iranian president has fought the opposition of his Iranian conservative right. Hbadan Rowhani held an emergency meeting with the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to find swift solutions to the financial crisis that is hitting Iran.

For his part, Khamenei reiterated his right of veto over all executive decisions. Iran is ready to respect the nuclear agreement and not to violate it. In response, Khamenei stipulated that the major signatory powers of the agreement, such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China, should provide certain guarantees to achieve the goals and objectives. aspirations of Iran


The United States should start imposing economic sanctions on Iran's energy sector in November

The White House also threatened to impose sanctions on all companies without exception, which would be related to transactions with l & # 39; State. One

The newspaper reported that "rumors circulating about the resignation of the president, Hbadan Rowhani, were far ahead of the meeting between Rohani and Russian President Vladimir Putin". The spread of these rumors to ensure that the adviser of the leader of the Islamic Revolution in international affairs, Ali Akbar Velayati, to conduct negotiations with the Russian side, instead of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohammed Jawad Zarif, who enjoys spiritual trust

Economics, questioned about the possibility of Hbadan Rowhani continued to hierarchy of power. For example, the price of Iranian riyal has fallen by more than 50% in recent months. Some estimates also suggest that the unemployment rate could rise from 13% to 20% by the end of the year.

Overall, it did not stop when the conservative powers strongly attacked a spiritual government after the withdrawal of the United States from the nuclear deal. The president has his job and even received a spiritual critique of some of his supporters because of the scale of the economic crisis in Iran.

Meanwhile, some Iranian provinces have seen a severe shortage of drinking water coincide with temperatures of up to 40 degrees. This prompted citizens to take to the streets to protest against these conditions.

The newspaper reported that the withdrawal of the United States from the nuclear agreement and the range of sanctions to be imposed soon became deeper than the Rohani crisis. The Iranian government blamed Rawhani for signing the nuclear deal in 2015 and took the wrong step to plunge the country into a whirlwind of problems.

However, Reformers continued to support Rohani under the dome of the Islamic Consultative Assembly. 19659015] (function (d, s, id) {
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