Dorat Bou Choucha Director of the Manarat Festival for Al-Ahram: The quality of the films and the challenges of the "Mediterranean" The most important criteria of participating films


Dorat Bouchoucha is a Tunisian producer and producer who directed the Beacon Festival for Mediterranean Cinema, which closed its first session last Sunday in Tunis in the dialogue of Al-Ahram on the circumstances of the birth of this new Mediterranean festival and its horizons. Egyptian Festival of Alexandria and Algerian Tetouan. What is the unique character of neonatal tags in this context? And what can he add?

Tunisia has a coastline of about 1,200 kilometers and our goal is to go on the summer beaches, and I think we have succeeded on many cities from Tunis to Bizerte to the north and Gabes to the south. The number of spectators increased from a few hundred at the beginning of the festival to about 1500 spectators on the beach of the north of Marsa in the capital before Manarat, and meetings between artists and artists of the seventh north and south of the Mediterranean. "The presence of the Mediterranean and the uniqueness of the beacons also come from the fact that Tunisia is the closest to Europe on the African continent and I think that the public presence to the offers and creators of the Mediterranean countries is a success.

What are the negative and positive aspects of the first course experience?

Every new baby needs to be evaluated and the audience goes out and goes to the movies, which is important, but the evaluation will come later and is necessary and necessary.

How was the film chosen to participate in the festival "Offers for 52 films and 10 of them in the official competition" "… 19659002 Our goal is not the first offer, we are targeting the public who have not seen these films before, apart from presenting them in competitions, events or even outside cinemas. of Tunisia, all our criteria are of quality The film and so n treatment of the specificities and issues of the Mediterranean, such as immigration, and we chose ourselves the participating films here and by the monitoring committee and directed invitations on this basis.

Why are all members of the jury women?

We have honored women actors and women, and I do not know if this tradition will continue in the future or not.The women in Tunisia have been very mature, and we also like to honor all the women of the Mediterranean.

What does it mean Producer in Tunisia and the private sector, a festival is created on the sidelines of the festival to create a committee of Arab film centers that follow the ministries of culture on the sidelines of this festival

More dialogues between the people of art VII Tunisian films or Maghreb countries are usually screened In Egypt or Lebanon, only two years ago, the films of your beloved Hadi and the Foreign body and the Tunisian child in Egypt were shown, it is the beginning and the professionals took the initiative. Arab cinema can contribute to it.

Three Egyptian films out of 52 films presented by the festival. How do you rate this participation? Was there any intention to honor Egyptian cinema and Palestinian and Moroccan cinema in this first session?

The most beautiful film in Egyptian cinema, in my opinion, and three films not only And we like to honor the Egyptian cinema because of its history and its present. But that has not been determined yet.


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