Dreams apologize to artists: I did not want to bother you


  Dreams excuse to artists: I did not mean to say your harbadment
Ahlam apologize to artists: I did not want to harbad you

Ahlam apologize to the artists artists: [Asharq Al-Awsat] In an interview with "Arab Wood" on the sidelines of her participation in the Mawazine Festival, she visited several artistic subjects and raised her opposition position again. To lead the Saudi girl, and her absence from the Kingdom.
Ahlam expressed his great love for the public Lord, noting that he sings of his heart and loves the artist of his heart, is still reviving the concert in Rabat research. "I did not ask anyone to do it, but I wrote a statement to give my own gift if people were told to do their right," he said. I did not care about the remuneration as much as the love of the Moroccan people for me, "she added, addressing the Moroccan people.
And about the embarrbadment she caused to the artists because of her donation, she said, "I'm sorry if I bother them without feeling."
Ahlam reacted to the attack because of his opposition to Saudi leaders. . I trust the Saudi woman and trust her country. I objected to one thing, which is to go to Saudi Arabia from abroad. Now I respect this decision and Saudi Arabia has started a new rally. God bless you and I bless them and that means that I love the girls of Saudi Arabia. My cousins ​​are married to Saudi men living in Saudi Arabia.
As for her lack of concerts in Saudi Arabia, she said: "I have a very busy schedule in the near future: I have a concert in Paris and then Los Angeles in America then at the Jerash Festival
. "Ahlam has shown her relentlessness to revive a concert in the Kingdom in the coming period, noting that she considers herself Saudi."

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Source: Witness


  Mona Mahmoud

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