The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends not to consume more than 30 grams of added sugar, or 150 ml of fruit juice per day.
"When the fibers are removed, the body absorbs the fructose juice at a faster rate, causing a sudden increase in blood sugar, so the pancreas carries insulin secretion to bring the sugar back to a higher level." more stable level Over time, the mechanism may not work, which increases the risk of Second. "
The researchers looked at the health data of 100,000 people collected between 1986 and 2009, found a link between fruit juice consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes, and concluded that juices caused faster fluctuations. and more important glucose and insulin levels because the stomach transfers fluids faster to the intestine. Solid food, even if the food content of the liquid is similar to that of the fruit.
Another study linked fruit juice consumption with type 2 diabetes after monitoring the dietary habits of more than 70,000 nurses and monitoring diabetes for 18 years.
"Although vegetable juices contain more nutrients and less sugar than fruit juices, they also lack fiber, and studies have also shown a connection between high fiber intake, coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes, It is recommended to consume 30 grams of fiber a day. "
Research has suggested that juice consumption increases daily calories from the required limit (about 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men). Several studies have shown that we do not substitute juice for other foods during the day.
One study found that those who drank the fruit badtail with extra nutrients had a higher blood glucose than those who ate the whole fruit and found no difference between those who ate mango juice and mangos.
Fruit juice is helpful in ridding the body of toxins, but the exact scientific expression to rid the body of toxins is limited to the removal of harmful substances such as drugs, alcohol and toxins.
Although it is better to consume fruit juice than not to eat at all, it should be limited within limits and it is risky to consume more than 150 ml of free sugars per day or to exceed total number of calories needed.
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