It occurs due to agglomeration of wax or microbial infections
Riyadh: Dr. Abeer Mubarak
Parents know how common it is to complain about earaches in children, especially in winter. But adults can also have recurring pains in the ear. The pain in the ear does not necessarily mean that there is microbial inflammation in one of the three parts of the ear or that there is damage; There are various reasons that some may not think before starting to suffer from ear pain. The treatment is done by the cause of the pain in the ear.
Causes of ear pain
According to the American Academy of Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT), "Ear pain is one of the most common medical problems of all ages, especially in the Although some may be very upset by the pain and are concerned, it usually involves a minor injury, which usually improves in a few days under treatment. Ear can be an acute pain suddenly appears, or a burning pain, or can not be determined by the nature of the injured person.As can be in one ear or both.Sometimes this lasts all the time, and sometimes it can become lighter then increase. "
There are several common causes of ear pain, the most common in winter for three reasons:
– Collect earwax blocks in the ear tunnel.
– microbial infections in the outer ear.
– Microbial infections in the middle ear.
Other less common causes include:
– Pain related to the pressure difference on the sides of the eardrum, that is to say between the external atmosphere and the amount of pressure exerted in the middle ear.
– Pain in the ear badociated with tonsillitis, throat or parotid glands.
– Ear pain due to tooth problems or the presence of microbial abscess around, especially the teeth of the mind.
– Pain in the ear in case of "temporal joint jaw" with rheumatic infections, or stress in case of grinding of teeth during sleep.
Pain and wax of ear
In normal cases, the dermal glands located in the tunnel of the outer ear intervene in the formation of a waxy material, their color varies from light yellow to black and their density, from soft to hard. This wax helps to clean dust and other ears and protect them from germs, insects and water. The ear will gradually push the wax outward, to prevent accumulation and give the opportunity to form a new wax, that is to say, the ear cleans itself. The increase in wax production, a minimal shrinkage or pushing it inward through a bad way to clean the ear causes its buildup and causes pain in the ear, hearing loss, itching in the ears, tinnitus or body imbalance.
It is therefore not medically recommended to use cotton scanners or other objects to try to remove the wax and clean the ear, as this would push it further. in the ear cbad, which would make it more susceptible to buildup and stiffness.
In case of symptoms of ear waxing, the proper treatment of these cases is to consult a doctor, especially if the person has already had ear surgery, if the eardrum is holed or if it suffers from microbial infections accompanied. The doctor is certain to present a case of wax blockage in the ear during a clinical examination. The treatment consists either of removing the wax block directly, of prescribing drops of therapeutic preparations to treat the disease, of softening the wax block and facilitating its exit, or of carrying out any other appropriate treatment.
Likewise, if an insect is stuck in the outer ear cbad or a foreign body has entered it, it is best to consult a doctor to properly treat this condition.
Several parts of the ear can become infected with microbial infections and therefore produce ear pain. Including: floccitis of the ear or inflammation of the tunnel of the outer ear. In the infection of the outer ear, microbial inflammation occurs as a result of the entry of water contaminated with microbes in the ear cbad, during swimming and when the survival of this water, which creates an environment conducive to the growth of microbes. The presence of excessive moisture in the ear due to swimming, excessive sweating, high temperature of the atmosphere or prolonged water retention in the ear contributes to the creation of an environment conducive to bacterial growth. Improper cleaning of the outer ear, using a cotton swab or other, or the use of poor-quality earphones can result in scratches, lacerations and injuries. lesions of the lining of the skin in the ear cbad, thus facilitating the growth of microbes and the inflammation of bacteria in the ear cbad. .
Other factors include skin allergies to the skin of the ear, such as hair products or cleansers, which can lead to skin irritation, which increases the risk of infections microbial.
When this type of microbial infection occurs, the patient may experience itching in the ear, redness in the ear and slight pain when pulling the skin from the ear, with the possibility of fluid discharge, which may be transparent or change color over time. Time, perhaps with a feeling of fullness of the ear. Over time, without treatment, redness or swelling can occur in the outer ear, swollen lymph nodes in the neck and high body temperature.
The condition requires a medical examination, follow his therapeutic advice to eliminate the state of microbial infection, receive the medications he prescribed, such as ear drops or other, and also apply prevention tips. The most important thing is to keep the ears dry after a bath or a swim, by simply drying the outer ear with a cotton cloth, and as deeply as the tip of the finger, without penetrating deeply into the ear.
The inflammation of the middle ear
Osteoarthritis is another type of microbial infection that can cause ear pain, that is, in the area of the outer ear. Acute otitis results from a bacterial or viral infection in the upper respiratory tract and is transmitted to the middle ear. Children are more likely than adults to develop this type of ear infection. Due to microbial inflammation, swollen tissue and a buildup of fluid in the narrow chamber of the middle ear.If the oestaki channel does not work properly due to sealing or parade, this condition can be very painful for the child and cause crying, especially when he is lying on his back or touching the ear. The mother may notice that the child is easily dislocated, has difficulty hearing or balance of body movements, lack of appetite, headache, body temperature over 38 ° C or a flow of the ear.
Therefore, one of the most important stages of treatment, consult your doctor to work on pain relief. As for the reception of antibiotics, the doctor decides because many cases are caused by a viral infection and not by a bacterium.
* Consultant in Internal Medicine
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