Efforts to save Khadija Al-Kubra … and Makassed at Al-Nahar: "Our loss is great and the law bombs our lives" – Nada Ayoub


Closure of Khadija al-Kubra School of Makeup Islamic Society, educational, political and religious circles. The closure decision issued by the educational staff in the morning and 'Nahar' information on the board of directors of the Makbaded Association to make the closure decision, the day witnessed sit-in, movements, statements and meetings to save the "big turn".

The news surprised parents, students and teachers, all held in front of the Verdun school since early morning, blocking the road before traveling to Dar al-Fatwa to meet the Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Darian and send him their requests.

"The Board of the Makbaded Association holds a meeting and is in the process of issuing a statement about the general situation and the school Khadija Al-Kubra in particular, and tends to go back to the closure decision ". Zain refused to delve into the details, especially after the closure of 3 schools for the northern destinations and 4 in the Bekaa until things calm down, and stressed that "the financial reasons come mainly to the adoption of the law of the series "

" Our loss is great … The law bombs our lives ", says Zain Bahrqa adds:" We must preserve the old institutions like the Muqbadid and the others , it's our cry today. "She pointed out that for five years now, Our schools are almost 99% free."

The President-designate Saad Hariri and other members of the country mobilized to resolve the crisis and support the objectives: he contacted Mifti Darian and informed him that he was giving his instructions to the finance minister of the caretaker government, Ali Hbadan al-Khalil. And that "five billion Lebanese pounds will be paid urgently to alleviate the suffering suffered by the targets in these difficult circumstances".

million. Hariri said during a telephone conversation that he "was following the issue of the Makbaded Association for a while and that he would be in constant contact with Dar al-Fatwa to sort out this problem." .
The Minister of Education and Higher Education of the Interim Government, Marwan Hamadeh, and MPs Fuad Makhzoumi, Nazih Najem, President of the Makbaded Association, Dr. Faisal Snow and Naqib, have attended the meeting attended by teachers, teachers, teachers in private schools in Lebanon Rudolf Abboud.