Egypt News Preparation of Eid al-Adha at Ain al-Hilweh camp


While crossing the market of the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh in Sidon, in the south of Lebanon, she feels the difference between Eid al-Adha last year and this year.

On Saturday, the day of Arafah Day, the women's ward was filled with women, but their congestion was concentrated among vegetable vendors. They bought only clothes and shoes on cheap vehicles.

According to a woman leaving a butchery, the number of buyers is low, due to the economic situation of the Palestinian people in the camp, compounded by the plan put in place by the Lebanese Minister of Labor, Kamil Abu Suleiman, for impose work permits on Palestinians.

Abu Mahmoud told Al-Arabi al-Jadeed that "the majority of the camp's vendors are working without a return, their day goes on without cashing in pockets, not even more than 1,000 pounds ($ 0.67). in institutions outside the camp since the beginning of the plan ". The Labor Minister is now unemployed for fear of being sued, to apply for work permits. All of these workers have families and children who want to support them. The movement of sale and purchase is almost non-existent in the market and the decline in sales and purchases is 60%. & # 39;

"But for the sale of meat, which is one of the necessities that people buy to grill on the first day of Eid, they do not have the right demand.The butcher shops are almost empty and those who buy a much smaller amount than before.Even clothing stores complain about their recession.People can not buy new clothes for their children. "

Ahmed Kanaan, one of the sellers of chocolate, nuts and coffee at the camp market, says: "New Arab", after the decision of the Minister of Labor has significantly affected the movement. buying and selling in the camp. "On holidays, people can offer dates instead of chocolate, and they can do without dates even if their purchasing power is low."

"It is true that the camp is densely populated, but sales have dropped by almost 50% compared to previous years."

Abu Muhammad's butcher is only empty of him. He is sitting in his chair and watching TV, waiting for customers who might come to buy in his store.

He told Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed: "The atmosphere does not announce a good economic movement in the camp, because the shops are usually not frequented by buyers. I did not have such days because my shop was empty of customers and we booked meat on demand for Eid. "The reason is the living situation, especially after the decision of the Ministry of Labor.A large number of workers have stopped going to work, which has affected the general movement of the market."

"We are not against work permits, but there are those who stay all day in front of his car, and he does not even sell 5,000 Lebanese pounds ($ 3.33)." How can he get a leave of absence? job?"

Date: 2019-08-10

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