Elie Bassel reveals the hidden .. That's why the director of Haifa Wehbe has resigned


Despite his support on Twitter and his rejection of the news that has spread against him, the director of Haifa Wehbe, Mohamed Wazri, still insists on resigning his leadership.

This resignation comes after the serious announcement of information by the journalist Elie Bbadil via the live broadcast of the Entggram application, in which he announced the "betrayal" of Waziri, before Haif gives his last concert in Cairo, before meeting the owner of the largest Egyptian film producer. , Who tries to contract with her to make a film, but Vaziri surprised him by saying that he could believe him as another artist at a lower price, which surprised and impressed Basile and the viewers.

After the great tumult caused by this conversation, Baspel confirmed that he had contacted the sister of Haifa and informed her of the case, but this one had denied her and insisted on staying with Al-Waziri and confirming all that he had said, but the latter preferred to withdraw from himself at that time and announced his resignation.

He justified the resignation of a link to the right of the group "Project Lily", pointing out that his family had been insulted because of the expression of his opinion and his idea, although he works no charge to the management of Haifa's work. Need and Mehmnish is not in your interest and the length of the period when we together with you, I help you to heart and sincerity. "

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