Elissa launches Bina Ashk through a telecommunications company in Egypt


Lebanese singer Elissa, in collaboration with Rotana, launched the second album of her new album "To All Who Belong Me", which is called "Bina Ashk" and was launched exclusively by a communication company in Egypt.

This is the second album released after the song "To All That Loves Me", the main song of the album of the same name.

Elissa installs on July 25 to create her new album "To All Who Loves Me", which comes out exclusively on iTunes App, then on CD and on the Internet.

The application for the album for iTunes will be paid, as Elissa has put forward the release date, after the publication of the album posters, and his album is presented in the promotional campaign.

Elissa has already revealed 4 songs in the Egyptian dialect: "Tales" by the lyricist: Osama Mustafa, and the composer: Mohammed Yahya, while the second one calls "Myself I say". "The third song is called" Keithra Ali ", the fourth is" I'm alone "and" You and Me "in the Lebanese dialect, which is the fifth, which says:" You and me … all my bads … "

Elissa collaborates in her new album with a number of Egyptian and Lebanese poets, including: Rami Gamal, Mohamed Yahya, Osama Mustafa, Madin, Amir Taaima, Nader Abdullah and Salim Assaf

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