Energy and Minerals Authorizes Third and Fourth Phases of Samra to Generate 641 MW of Electricity


Amman – Opinion

The Electricity and Mining Regulatory Authority on Tuesday issued a license for the third and fourth phases of the Samra power station, which has 7 gas units and 4 steam generating units, and can generate 40% of the electricity consumed in the kingdom, including 641 MW on the two new phases.

Chairman of the Board of Directors / Chief Executive Officer Farouk Hayari said in a press release that, after signing the amendment to the company's license to include Phase III and IV licenses, he allows Samra to use both steps in accordance with the law to generate 641 MW of electricity per combined cycle.

He added that the license obligates Samra to ensure the availability of approved national and obstetric laws and regulations, including the laws and regulations relating to electricity and the environment issued by them, as well as the provisions regulations issued by the Authority and all codes and standards relating to the performance of the company in production, as well as the safety, security and safety of the electrical system.

The license also commits the company to respect the instructions regarding the health of employees and the safety of third parties and to ensure the protection of persons and property against any work badociated with the production of electricity related to the license.

Under the license, the licensee is required, in accordance with Al-Hiyari, to submit to the Ministry of the Environment and the Authority an annual environmental report confirming its compliance with the protection standards of Al-Hiyari. the environment that are applied to it under the Environment Act, the general security conditions and the relevant legislation.

According to Al-Hiyari, the license obliges the company to send to the Authority annual and quarterly reports including the quantities of energy generated and exported, internal consumption, spent fuel, availability, charges, capacity and financial reporting in the accounts and the budget.

He indicated that the publication of this amendment to the license granted to the company was in accordance with the provisions of the Law on General Electricity and the Regulatory Authority of the Energy and Minerals Sector. and that it meets the requirements of the global strategy for the energy sector, emphasizing the importance of this company to strengthen the electrical system with a production capacity meeting a portion of the electrical charges.

He stressed the role of the Authority to encourage investment in the sector while ensuring compliance with environmental standards and public security conditions applied in the Kingdom and regulating the sector on the basis of the 39; equity and balance between the interests of consumers, licensees and investors.

For its part, the general manager of the power generation company Samra, Mr. Sufian Batayneh, said the Samra government is an important arm of the government in the production of electricity and that the electricity system is capable of generating about 1240 MW, or about 40% of the energy produced in the Kingdom, pointing out that the company is a government reference. Actual prices and project costs.

He emphasized the importance of the role of the company Samra, created in 2004 to maintain the availability of generating sets operating according to the required standards and development performance, as well as the importance of the phases of the third capacity 429 megawatts and the fourth capacity of 212 MW as the "most efficient" stages of the Kingdom's electricity generation and their economic impact on the electrical system Fuel consumption.

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