England clashes with Sweden and Croatia to end the Russian Sports adventure


England has dreamed of a great title since 1966, a day that culminated at home in the World Cup football. After 52 years, the Three Lions are faced with an ideal opportunity to advance to the 2018 World Cup, but they must first overcome Sweden 's serious hurdle in Samarra' s semi – finals on Saturday.

England will need a lot of Sweden's team that has reached this stage after removing the names of the heavyweights: the Netherlands in the European qualifiers, the world champions' s. Italy four times in the annex, and indirectly, the defending champions Germany in Group F of the 2018 World Cup.

As a leader, Harry Kayne continued his appetite For a goal that has up to # 39, here makes him the top scorer with six goals. You will also need to penetrate the defensive hardness and homogeneity of the team, which has deprived three of the four teams met in the Russian World Cup registration. In eight official matches, England has won only once in Sweden, with a 3-2 win in the first round of the 2012 European Cup (against Sweden and five victories) Drawings.]

Will Sweden be an easy place for the semi-finals? Sweden can not be pulled from the telescope's easy telescope to the next turn. The Scandinavian champions, who were crowned champions of Mexico, South Korea and Brazil in the absence of their best stars, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who retired internationally in 2016, have reached the first stage since the World Cup 1994.

They had two goals and one loss in the World Cup so far, and came to Germany in a match that was settled only 39, at the last minute of the game stoppage.

The team does not focus When acquiring or controlling, or offending pressure or scrutiny . The coach and the players are aware of the limitations of individual skills against other teams that include stars of European football clubs.

Croatia is looking forward to the semi-finals of the World Cup for the first time since 1998, the day she started her career as an independent country on a big football event, but she will be in a task. tough against host Russia in Sochi on Saturday.

In the tournament, the unexpected surprises Croatia avoided. We will have the perfect opportunity to equalize at least the Davor Schocker generation at the World Cup 20 years ago, although the host confrontation, one of the most spectacular surprises of the World Cup, can be an inconceivable adventure.

Zlatko Dalic After crushing Argentina in the group stage with three clean, they do not fear the big names. With the exception of their tough defeat in the quarterfinals at the expense of Denmark (3-2 on penalties after 1-1), the team did not raise any concerns at any stage of the first turn and his fourth group received the full score.

Modrich, Ivan Rakitic, Mario Mandzukic, Ivan Bericic … names dreamed of by any coach, and it seems that Zlatko Dalic did his best.

Dalic has imposed his character on the team, and the character strength of the team will be at stake against Russia. Croats have not had any happy experiences with host countries in major tournaments, but for a country of only 4.3 million, it will be a triumph over a country of over 142 million. ;inhabitants. [19659002] But the World Cup is not limited to the stages Beautiful and well organized. The lowest ranked country among the participating teams managed to reach the final round for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union and ousted the 2010 World Championships on penalties 4-3 ( 1: 1). Who made a surprise and gained growing popularity in his country.

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