England lives in the tournament atmosphere and is waiting for the return of the trophy to the house


Coach Southgate maintains his firmness and enthusiasm for his penultimate team against Croatia

The English may have taken 28 years to prepare for the event, but coach Gareth Southgate is still waiting for what will be explained in the last two rounds of the 2018 World Cup. Southgate beat Sweden 2-0 to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup for the first time since 1990. While the celebrations took place held throughout the country, the highest ranked man did not take part in the tumult: "It's something". Exceptionally, I imagine that our country is in a great ceremony, But we will not celebrate, the feeling of pride and satisfaction is enough for us. "

The British believe that the dream of winning the absentee title is soon after the country has found its team in a position you never imagined.The success of Southgate coach place in the ranks of champions and dream of the country to return to the Cup for the first time since 1966.

England is now alive and Sunday Mirror publishes a photo of the English players who celebrate the first goal Maguire vs. Sweden "People of the Divinity" and the Sunday People's title urged the mbades and players to stay together, saying: "Stay calm and Harry will continue his work."

The Observer newspaper said that A nation eager for joy had finally lost its new heroes.The Sunday Express said that England, which is very confident, began to believe that the World Cup would be on its way to "come home "as said the national anthem English in 1996.

But the local media With the confidence of the team led by Harry Kane, the top scorer up here

David Badil, co-author of the song "Black Three" in parallel of the European Championship organized in England in 1996 to the newspaper "The Sunday Times". History suffocating and perhaps crowned the title for the first time since 1965.

Former international player Gary Neville, who was the badistant coach Roy Hodgson when England lost face in Iceland at the 2016 European Championships, believes that the current team has shown a great maturity throughout the World Cup. : "I have to say that in the last 25 years, when the team has advanced, she usually went back to the defense and when she lost, she was desperate." But with the performance of the current tournament, this team showed that she managed to control herself and be consistent. "

This is thanks to Southgate, 47, who took the lead late 2016, by accident [679003] Southgate was considered a temporary substitute, but English football seems to have found its way back to the World Cup semifinals for the first time since 1990 after defeating Sweden 2 – Zero in the quarterfinals on Saturday in Samarra

Southgate was at During his career as a defender, a well known player But he was not ranked as the star of the English ball. His career was limited to Crystal Palace, Aston Villa and Middlesbrough, and he did not defend the colors of big clubs such as Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal. As a coach, his experience was more modest, limited to Middlesbrough and England's Under-21.

The majority of fans remembers that he missed a decisive penalty in half -final of the 1996 Europe Cup against Germany. He then appeared in a cynical pizza advertisement, inspired by his failed kick. But Southgate's life has rocked since June 18, date of the first World Cup match in England in 2018.

Captain Harry Kane said: "We know that there is still a tough match in the semifinals, but we feel that we are in good shape, and we trust in ourselves. "

" I know the mbades here and in England are listening … we just want to make our country proud of us. "

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