Erdogan begins a new presidential term with strengthened powers


<img clbad = "alignnone size-full wp-image-970710" src = "" alt = " Do you have a website? Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was sworn in on Monday for a new five-year term based on a new presidential system with broad powers.

Erdogan, 64, who has been in power since 2003 as prime minister and then as president , won a comfortable victory from the first round of presidential elections on June 24 and won after picking up 52, 6% of the vote, far behind its rivals.

Erdogan was sworn in on Monday, promising The Founder of the secularism of modern Turkey founded by its founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

The inauguration will be followed by a ceremony at the presidential palace in the presence of dozens of world leaders officially dedicated s to the transition to the presidential regime in the light of a constitutional amendment adopted in April 2017 "Erdogan 's support with a slight margin.

This large-scale presidential term begins two years after a coup d'etat on July 15, 2016, followed by mbadive purges, including in the armed forces, police, and official services, leading to the death penalty. arrest and dismissal of dozens of people. Thousands of people

The latest purge campaign announced Sunday by more than 18 thousand people, mostly soldiers and policemen, was revoked by a constitutional decree presented as the state of emergency declared after the attempted coup d'etat

For the Middle East in Ankara "A system of a man" –

The new presidential system abolishes the post of prime minister, allowing the president to hold the reins of executive power

He will also appoint six of the 13 members of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors appointed to appoint and dismiss members of the judiciary.

Since the president remains at the head of his political party, "he will control the deputies of his party, meaning that he will control over all branches of the executive, judicial and legislative in the country," according to the professor of political science at the University

"A regime like this has a wide range of opportunities, to govern the country alone."

The opposition daily Gomhuriyet said that "a partisan system with a man officially begins today."

"I do not think we exaggerate if we say that we have entered the era of the Second Republic", after the republic founded by the secular founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

but the pro-government newspaper Yeni Shafak wrote under the title Witness "the folding of a page of Turkish history and the opening of a new page."

Some 10,000 guests will attend the inauguration ceremony of Ardugan, which will see artillery fire dozens of shots to greet the new regime, but this festive atmosphere troubled by the killing of 24 people Sunday as a pbadenger train comes out of his apartment in the Tekirdag area. Turkey

The list of participants includes Turkey's best allies in Africa, the Middle East and the former Soviet Union, while the number of European leaders will be relatively small.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will attend the ceremony. Nicholas Maduro who watches

In a video posted on Twitter while he goes to the airport, Maduro Bardogan hailed "the friend of Venezuela and the leader of the new multipolar world".

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, two of Turkey's most prominent allies in the Middle East. Bulgarian Prime Minister Rumen Radev and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban are the only European leaders at the summit.

– Restructuring of the Government – 19459005

After being sworn in on Monday, Erdogan presents his new government,

This means the integration of several ministries such as the Ministry of European Affairs, which will make part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The journalist Abdelkader Salawi said in a column of the pro-Hariri newspaper "Harriet" For the government, the formation of the government will be a "surprise" with the presence of personalities outside the party Alada

The Turkish Minister of Affairs Foreign, Mouloud Gawishoglu, may remain in power, but reports indicate that Erdogan can appoint his spokesman Ibrahim Kalin or intelligence chief Hakan Vidan

The presidency will also use "committees" and offices dedicated to different sectors. But the details of his powers are not yet known

In the legislative elections that coincided with the presidential election, the AK party of Erdogan won 295 seats out of 600, while his ally the Nationalist Party won 49 seats, He does not have the majority alone and he must rely on a suit Control the parliament.

However, IATA warned that "the NDP could, over time, reconsider its position and make demands" such as government positions, concessions and jobs.

Many experts fear that a forced alliance with the NDP will lead to a stiff Erdogan policy, in response to criticism of the opposition over its expanded presidential powers, Erdogan said that this system provides the necessary efficiency to face the challenges of Turkey.

The biggest challenge is the economic crisis with high inflation and currency depreciation and a large fiscal deficit despite solid growth.

This situation is partly due to The market is wary of the economic strategy of the Turkish president, who systematically calls for lowering interest rates to fight against inflation, while most economists advocate opposite.

After his oath, Erdogan immediately goes to northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan. A summit of NATO leaders in Brussels, during which he will meet his US counterpart Donald Trump and other NATO leaders. [AFP]

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