Erdogan's brother-in-law promises a "new story" for Turkey


The appointment of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, his brother-in-law Birat Albirk, to the post of finance minister, toppled his cabinet reshuffle Monday, trying to curb the economic decline and the record rise in inflation.

Vice President Fuad Oktay and the 16 ministers yesterday presided over the constitutional oath in parliament, including Abdulhamid Gul, Justice Minister, Mouloud Gawishoglu of Foreign Affairs and Fath Dmunmaz of Energy.

Erdogan was appointed commander of land forces in the Turkish army, with General Ybader Guler as chief of staff, replacing General Khulusi Akkar.

Ministers kept their bags, including Jaishoglu, who said that Turkey was seeking to "take a substantial distance" towards joining the European Union, through the unification of Foreign Affairs and Union Affairs Departments.

But Berat Albirek was appointed by the Ministry of Finance. Former Minister Mohamed Shishmik, considered the architect of the previous government's financial policies, was energy minister since 2015.

Upon receipt of his portfolio, Albirek s u200b u200b u200b is committed to "working intensely to bring inflation to a specific level" Hundred in June over a year, a record since 2003. He promised (19659004) and Albert (40) is married to Esra, the eldest daughter Erdogan, an articulate preacher able to speak the language. English, and is considered the second most powerful man in Turkey. But opponents of the president call it a "foundry", denouncing a kind of nepotism. Alberg was spending holidays with Erdogan in southwestern Turkey when the coup attempt took place on the night of July 15, 2016 and escorted him into the plane for Istanbul.

But investors worry that Erdogan is tightening its monetary policy, An emerging markets strategy strategist at Credit Agricole said: "The appointment of Albrek as Finance Minister is not a good sign, especially because of its close relationship with Erdogan.The Turkish official newspaper issued a presidential decree setting out public institutions run by the Republic, including the Presidency of the State Archives, the Board of Control of State, the Presidency of Religious Affairs,

In Baku, after meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev, Erdogan said that relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan, and the Turkish government, Rabighan is based on the concept of "a people in two states", stressing that "will continue on this approach".

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