Erekat: We will ask the United Nations for the compatibility of the law of nationalism with the Charter of the United Nations


Palestine, its ambbadador to the United Nations, asked the UN legal department to ask a question about the compatibility of the national law, approved by the Israeli Knesset, with the Charter of the United Nations. UN . That's what the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Saeb Erekat, said.

Erekat said that if the law is in accordance with the laws of the United Nations, then if the membership of Israel at the United Nations is opposed to a question mark after today

Erekat said at a seminar organized by the Palestinian Ministry of Information in Ramallah. Says that Palestinian leaders are in contact with all countries on the dangers of Israeli national law, calling on the international community to reconsider its relations with Israel.

The law establishes a modern system of apartheid,

and emphasized that the United Nations

The Israeli Knesset approved last Thursday by 62 votes to 55, with 2 abstentions. The law states that the state of Israel is the national homeland of the Jewish people, and the law states that the state works to promote Jewish settlement



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