Eritrea appoints first ambassador to Ethiopia 20 years ago


The Minister of Education, his country's ambbadador to America

 chose Eritrea as the first ambbadador to Ethiopia 20 years ago

The Eritrean government announced Saturday that he had appointed his first ambbadador to Ethiopia 20 years ago, The two countries.

According to the agency "Reuters," said Minister of Information Yamani Mysqel via "Twitter": The position went to Smirie Rosum, currently Minister of Education, who is also a former ambbadador to Eritrea in the United States. [219] The Minister of Education who was ambbadador to his country in America

chose Eritrea as the first ambbadador to Ethiopia 20 years ago

The government of Eritrea has announced Saturday to have appointed the country's first ambbadador to Ethiopia 20 years, as part of the rapprochement between the two countries.

According to Reuters, "Information Minister Yamani Miskil said through" Twitter ": The position went to Smiri Roussum, currently Minister of Education, who is also a former ambbadador to Eritrea in the United States.


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