Everton includes the Brazilian Richelison


Everton snatched a young Brazilian striker Richelison from Watford with a $ 40 million contract for five years

Everton announced Tuesday that Richardson of Andrade had signed a contract with him to keep him at Goodison Park "Until 39, in June 2023.

The 21-year-old is Everton's first contract since Portuguese coach Marco Silva took over on May 31, replacing Sam Allardease, who led the team. in eighth place after replacing Dutchman Ronald Koman after the dismissal of the latter because of the result

Richelison played under Sylva when he was the last coach of Watford before being sacked in January and has scored five goals in his first 12 games, before finishing the score after being sacked.

"I want to be very successful with Everton, I think it's important for me to be of new with Marco Sil go, I will learn more because I still learn as a player and I want to develop here. "

" Everton And I want to oversee this shirt and prove inside the green rectangle capabilities "I know the coach for a while, so I know how it works."

Riccharison defended the under-20s of Brazil, so he hopes his transfer to his new club will bring him to the top of his team.

In the new season against the return to the Champions League and Wolverhampton on August 11th.

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