Explosion at the football stadium in Belgium: a man has committed suicide


A man was detonated this morning at the football stadium east of Ferfier, Belgium, told AFP Hbadan Iden, deputy mayor of the city.
"The unidentified man blew himself up in the middle of the field around 8:30 am (0630 GMT) today and was alone in the middle of the field," he said by phone.
"The hypothesis of suicide seems likely now, because he wanted to get the victims to go somewhere else at another time," he said.

There were no other victims.

The remains of the man "indicate that he is a European in the 50s," he said, likely to be a former military.

In a telephone conversation with AFP, the prosecutor in charge of anti-terrorism in Belgium said that it was not expensive, suggesting that it was not an act terrorist.

A week after the attack on the French newspaper "Charlie Hebdo", a jihadist cell was dismantled in a house in Vervier on January 15, 2015.
The cell included three young men returning from Syria, two of whom were killed after they opened fire on police officers, wounded the third and were arrested.

Abdel-Hamid Abaoud, suspected of having orchestrated the bloody attacks of the Organization of the Islamic State in Paris in November 2015 and in Brussels in March 2016, allegedly supervised the Vervier cell in Greece (19659008!) Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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