Extracts from the new songs of Elissa


Lebanese star Elissa is still waiting for her audience, who is eagerly awaiting her album (for all those who love me), after having published a new photo of her album cover and turned to the discussion activists on social networking sites. Elissa Elissa

Elissa differentiates herself from her colleagues by marketing new poses, she takes a clever approach that allows others to listen to her music with pbadion, even those who do not like Elissa because she knows that her choices are good and correct. It is also known that Elissa is the daughter of the mummy The album is produced by the same company that launched Promo yesterday, which includes some of the songs of Queen's Sensation extracted from her album "To All That M". "belong," which should achieve great success beyond the usual.

Album of the Year of Queen ELISA is now available for pre-order for # iTunes ?https: //t.co/Ckr79nxd7m
# [à _call_alli_bihboni] # Rotana # ElissaAlbum11
#Rotana @elissazkh pic.twitter.com/lrHwmNs0mv

– Music of Rotana (@RotanaMusic) July 10, 2018

] Jean Moawad – Beirut

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