Fares Karam opens fire on Lebanese artists:


In a controversial statement by Lebanese artist Fares Karam recently about the project (night project) and his concert, which was to be held in Lebanon and their insult to the Christian religion, where Fares Karam said: body Daad Balsrmaih), according to the website of the world.
This statement is shocking for those who attacked Faris Karam, accusing him of being fundamentally out of religion.
This prompted Fares to issue a press release to respond to the site (Fuchsia) and said: (I am not engaged and I am more unemployed than Dunya .. But I am a believer). "Religion and faith are one thing and life is a different thing," he added.
Faris blamed and reproached some Lebanese Christian artists for not having expressed any position or comment on what had happened and considered it a shame.
He said: (Jaivin lost vans … but my shame ashamed …), but did not specify the specific names.
It should be noted that the Laila project group was attacked a few weeks ago by religious, artists and politicians in Lebanon and by campaigns to threaten to cancel their concert at (Byblos International Festivals), scheduled on August 9, until the cancellation of their concert to prevent bloodshed and preserve security and stability

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