Fawani on the day of the martyr Amal: The story of Baalbek Hermel was the basis of the beginning of the Lebanese resistance to the Zionist enemy



  Al-Fawani on the day of the martyr Amal: The story of Baalbek Hermel was the basis of the beginning of the Lebanese resistance to the Zionist enemy

Bekaa Mustafa al-Fawani at a symposium in Baalbek on the occasion of the "day of the martyr's hope," that "July 5, 1975 is the marriage certificate and the establishment of a Homeland, Imam Musa al-Sadr wants to prove that patriotism is not a slogan. Zionist "

He said:" These martyrs rose to the seat of truth when Malik Muqtar, and raised the land, which was torn by the sedition winds from here and there to the testimony, was badured this group insured Mujahid Saber.

He added, "When Imam Musa al-Sadr launched the motto of the men's arms, he was warned early on that the real danger was the Zionist threat." Israeli conflict. 39 Imam al-Sadr considered that Israel was an absolute evil and as it was an absolute evil, he created a resistance that defeated the Israeli enemy in 2000 and, on his return in 2006, the heroes of the Amal movement defended this holy land. "

" The result of the legislative elections is the fulfillment of our people to this line and this approach, and stresses the adherence to the resistance option founded and launched by Imam Musa al-Sadr who was protecting Lebanon. "

He concludes: "Some want to decry the Baalbek Hermel region And we confirm that the history of this region was the basis of the beginning of the Lebanese resistance to the world.And the Zionist

Source: National Agency News

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