FIFA praises Mohammed Salah's morality after realizing the dream of a Syrian child


  FIFA praises Mohammed Salah's ethics after realizing the dream of a Syrian child


The official FIFA report on his social networking site Twitter is praising the moral of the Egyptian player Mohammed Salah, who realized the dream of a Syrian child that he met in America.

The narrative of Viva: "The wonderful ethics of the world Mohammed Salah, as always, and the great effort of the organization MakeAwish to realize the dream of Ammar."

⚽️ More than a game! ?
@MoSalah As always and a great effort of the organization @MakeAWish to realize the dream of Ammar! The official website of the Liverpool Club, published earlier today, a video of the Egyptian star Salah Rabka (19659007) Read more

The website pointed out that the 16-year-old boy, Ammar Halabi, who bravely wrestles against muscular dystrophy, said that the child is a Syrian child and his family in the United States.

Source: twitter @ fifacom_ar

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