FIFA: Video Technique Made Fairer Arbitration Al-Bina Journal


FIFA announced that the VAR video technology at the last World Cup in Russia had been a great success for the refereeing and had achieved the desired goals in the management of match referees. "FIFA is very satisfied and a great joy to the huge acceptance, which has been used by the use of video technology of players, coaches, fans and media." "We said that we wanted this tournament to be the best in the history of the World Cup, and it was best of all, the referees played a crucial role in this win, "said Gianni Infantino, president of FIFA: Excellent at the highest level. "

Zvonimir Boban, Deputy Secretary General of FIFA, drew attention to the importance of using video technology in football for revolutionize the game, which he himself oversaw from the start. "As the FIFA President said, the use of video technology in arbitration is not about changing football, but about making it fairer. It's our main objective when we started the video project in refereeing. "

The video technique is to use the rules of the game in controversial video cases, to watch the shot again or to take the leaders' views on a special screen ,

The International Federation of the World's Most Popular Games began applying the idea for the first time at the FIFA Club World Cup held in Japan in December 2016 to help the governors make the right decision. Russia World Cup.


FIFA: Video Technician Rendered Fairer Arbitration
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FIFA has announced that VAR video technology has achieved great success in arbitration and achieved the required goals in referee management.
FIFA announced that video technology VAR In the last World Cup in Russia was a great success for arbitration, and achieved the desired goals in management leaders
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