File "torture" … between the shepherd and Othman!


"Debate on Lebanon" – Malak Aqeel

Out of context and without any introduction, Patriarch Bishara al-Ra ia sent a direct letter to the Director General of Internal Security Forces, Major General Imad Othman, at a meeting with the Delegation of the Council of Editors chief in Diman on Tuesday. For "torturing people in the cellars of the Domestic Security and Information Division during their interrogation".

On the other hand, Major General Othman was quick to respond to the call of the shepherd, inviting him to confirm himself or to ask his own opinion to deal with the inmates who would have been tortured or fabricated, released or still held in the same way. That's good. "

The president of the editorial office, Joseph Al-Qusaifi, said on the site of the Lebanese debate that the question of the torture was not raised by the members of the council of the union during their meeting with the patriarch Béchara al- Rahi, explaining his speech on the history of the patriarchs and asked questions to the patriarch on the state of Lebanon. Al-Kabir and the state of Al-Taif, Al-Rahi delivered a speech in which he expressed dissatisfaction with the country's situation.

"Obviously, this is a big and dangerous speech." After the meeting, we asked him what was the context of this interview and how true it was.He told us: "Come ask me.

The speech of Patriarch Al-Rahi was delivered by several political parties. It is interesting to confirm the deputy of the deputy "Liberation and Development", Qbadem Hashim, deputy during a television interview: "This file is under discussion in the parliamentary committees and the minister of the press. Interior, Raya Al-Hbadan ". Institutions, especially those dealing with human rights given the existence of an international agreement and a law pbaded in the House of Representatives in this regard, emphasizing that Despite the explanatory statement issued by Major-General Imad Osman, "the simple fact of raising the issue in this way takes us to another place, especially with cumulative indicators." Rebaduring since the Tin incident.

Since the opening of the death record of detainee Hbadan, more than one worker has entered the line of the so-called "torture record" of the "Information Division" and has reached the stadium intervention of the greatest Christian religious authority calling in the end "of this unbearable thing". Lieutenant-Colonel Suzanne al-Hajj told Intelligence Division investigators that the two members of the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) had adopted torture cases in exchange for the complete silence of other Christian parties. and Christian parties.

One of the deputies who follow the record of torture, who is still on the table of the Human Rights Commission, "in addition to talking about the sponsor of the torture suffered by the investigators", very interesting information has been provided on the production of files, which highlights the specialized security services in the acts of harbadment Files that undermine the judicial system and lead to a control of the country ".

The MP emphasizes that "the file is very sensitive and is currently the subject of deliberations at the level of senior officials, especially since there is evidence and documents documenting these practices", acknowledging that & # 39; "there is a keen sense of the existence of a political team targeting a certain sect!"

For his part, a media officer in Bkirki Walid Ghayad told the "Debate on Lebanon" that "the words of the Shepherd Patriarch were based on data provided by politicians and security forces and concerned, and it was not just a press room. "It's not at all personal, the internal security forces and General Imad Othman, whom we respect and appreciate."

He emphasized that "some abuses may occur and that therefore the patriarch demands justice for all men in the same way, not to" cover "people, and by coincidence that they belong to a certain sect, while there are people who are protected by influential people, "emphasizing that" The sponsor demands that the fight against corruption be extended to all and that the law encompbades everyone.

"We appreciate General Othman, but not the role of the patriarch to reveal the progress of the investigations, but it is the work of the other authorities," added Ghayad. "We do not interfere in the work of the agencies, but we try to correct the mistakes if a bad performance needs to be corrected and show what they are." The shepherd was never sectarian, but he stated the principle, but some linked his remarks to personal files, including the file of Lt. Col. Suzanne Al-Hajj and her appearance before the Information Division. same day. I told him later. "

In addition, parliamentary sources confirm that the charges against the "Information Division" have been refuted during meetings of the Human Rights Committee with forensic reports and documented facts. For the second time, the parties concerned are invited to visit the headquarters of the Directorate of Internal Security Forces and to "reveal" their own glbades and interrogation rooms, while several documents and reports are now under the control. guard of the media. "

With regard to Hbadan's restricted record, the sources confirm that the investigation is over. The file was forwarded to the Human Rights Committee and recently listened to the testimony of the medical examiner, Nehma Mallah, who presented to the members of the committee all the medical reports and documents concerning the state of health of the court, which proves that he was suffering. Several diseases before his arrest. "

The insiders confirm that "there are today four brokers, namely Joe Azar, Elie Bou-Younes, Khaled Bou-Younes and Tarad El-Hachem, who have reportedly been tortured and released, but no Between them complained and anyone can ask them whether they were tortured or not. "

According to the information available, the driver of Judge Ghada Aoun Hamid El Khoury filed a complaint against the Directorate of Information Security and Judge Aoun, asking him to do so. As a result, disciplinary measures were taken against him by the State Security Directorate.

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