Finally, after 81 years .. Solve the mystery of the disappearance of the pilot Amelia Earhart and his browser


The pbading of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart is one of the greatest mysteries in history. But researchers now know what happened to the pilot-pilot and the navigator after they disappeared while trying to go around the world in 1937, according to the newspaper Mirror. Earhart, 39, became the first woman to fly over the Atlantic five years before the accident. It was believed that his plane "Elect" had crashed into the sea because of engine problems. But today, experts have badyzed Earhart 's distress calls, which reveal evidence likely to shed light on the truth.

Rick Gillespie believes that he has evidence that Earhart landed on an isolated island in the South Pacific 2000 miles from Hawaii, and asked for help for about a week before his plane rushes into the sea. Gillespie, who has been in the case for over 30 years, says distress calls were heard all over the world – and prompted the navy to launch a rescue mission. "It took the warship a week to get there, when the radio signals stopped, and when the planes flew over the island, they did not see any planes," he said. CBS News.

SOS calls arrived for dozens ..

Gillespie said, distress is calling dozens of people who have suddenly picked up Earhart on their radios thousands of miles away. I've heard distress calls in Florida, Iowa, Texas and even Canada, where a woman said she heard a voice saying, "We've been carried away … we can not stand any longer. Gillespie also re-examined the bones, first discovered in 1940 after drifting to the small island of Nicumaruru, part of Kiribati. They believe that Earhart lived his last days left stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Since 1998, the Philadelphia-based international group for the discovery of historic aircraft has tried to prove that the bones discovered belonged to the American pilot and how they seemed to be compatible with a female of the same length as Earhart and his ethnic roots. It was confirmed that the bones were gone, not the victim of an aircraft accident.

suffered a lot to survive.

A comprehensive study of the Nicomaroro region showed the effects of arson and bone remains of fish left behind by a person who lived on the atoll. "There is one last chapter of Earhart's life about which people do not know anything – she has spent days – maybe months – fighting heroically to survive because she was gone," said Gillespie. Despite speculation in 1940 that the remains were for Earhart, the British authorities rejected the claim after a doctor concluded that the bones were male.The bones were lost later, but in 1998 the records from the doctor were revealed that included structural measures, which showed that the length of the forearm was above average.

The aircraft salvage group re-examined the doctor's findings and compared the proportion from bones of upper and lower arms to those of a clear image of Earhart wearing a short-sleeved shirt.He concluded that the ratios were almost identical .. Jeff Glickman, a forensic doctor who was consulted by the group for his advice, examined the length of two bones – radius and arm – in Earhart's left arm and found that the ratio was 0.76. This was closely proportional to the 0.756 observed in the skeleton, which was longer than the average of 0.73 for women born at the end of the 19th century. The findings reinforce speculation that Earhart would have landed safely at Nicomaruru, also known as Gardner Island, after experiencing a problem with the plane while he was trying to find the right one. 39, Holland Island, southwest of Hawaii. She and her navigator Fred Nunan were planning to travel to Hawaii before finishing their trip to California. The disappearance of Earhart has led to search campaigns across the Pacific over the years and has led to the emergence of numerous conspiracy theories, including the claim that she survived and took on a new identity.

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