Former Google employee reveals a hideous face



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Google employees are now exchanging a note written by one of their former employees, which reveals that the "American research giant" is dominated by racism and discrimination between black and white races.

The employee, who requested anonymity, said he had suffered a lot while working at the company's headquarters in New York, which led him to no longer tolerate insults, and decided to resign, according to the American magazine "Business Insider".

"In the last five years, I have heard my colleagues make hateful remarks about immigrants, make fun of those who speak different languages ​​and refuse to hire color candidates," explained the memo of the former employee without giving clear reasons.

The employee pointed out that although he feels comfortable with the weather, he has made an effort to "educate" his colleagues on black and colored skin and has erased all the misconceptions that they have about them. Until he leaves the company.

The employee suggested Google apply it in three steps, in order to purify his work environment of racism, namely the restructuring of the company's sponsorship program and the use of "virtual reality" in training to diversity of different races, to build empathy and reduce prejudice, and finally provide more mental health support to the staff of his colleagues of color.

With other tech giants, Google is struggling to employ a more diverse staff in the races. In 2018, black employees represented only 2.8% of its technical positions and 3.6% of its management positions. In general, black employees accounted for 4.8%. From the Google total workforce.

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