Fragments "understand Marab" worsening of the decade on the eve of the Helsinki Summit! The Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


What is the nature of the contract surrounding the government file? Is it a Christian link with the "understanding of the earth" and its disastrous consequences, with a record speed that ends with the election of General Michel Aoun to the presidency of the Republic, the Dynastic Druze or March 8 , or former MP Suleiman Franjieh? The problem is more external than internal, mainly related to the location of Lebanon and its role in the reconstruction phase of regional and international influence, to a week of a clbadic summit between the United States. United and Russia.

Media close to President Saad Hariri Politics, size and delinquency

These circles did not hide their belief that the urgent task of the appointed president after his return is to meet with President Michel Aoun and discuss how cool the atmosphere, then proceed to a new approach, according to approved standards (19659003) The president in charge of the Grand Seraglio has a series of dates for the day, including meetings of the government record, especially after the return Minister Bbadil of his vacation too.

While the authors should meet, The country, recreation and meeting breaks In response to the question of the "brigade", a parliamentary source, March 8, does not expect a breakthrough significant at the governmental level.

"Dose of Oxygen"

The return of President Berri to his activities today, after a return from his family vacation, a dose of oxygen in the Lebanese body thickens the wounds , result of conflicts and disagreements over sizes and quotas and representation in government, while consultations or balasah Prime Minister Hariri's return from his family leave in the next few hours Qabla, in addition to the leader of the 'Patriotic Movement free, "Gebran Bbadil, who revealed yesterday that he will not return to Beirut before the end of the" World Cup "Sunday, revealing the station" new ", will leave Italy for

Sources close to the training process of a government said that with the return of Prime Minister Hariri, he would renew contacts with the government and cool down the atmosphere as he had done.

She said that Hariri would work with the President of the Republic to dissolve the contract, which became political excellence and had nothing to do with my work

Sources did not exclude the liberation Hariri of an active movement to all parties, and he could introduce a new formula to form a government, but between opposing forces on a number of issues, referring to the conflict between the free patriotic movement and Lebanese forces. The government has said, however, that it may take twenty years to alleviate the demands of the political forces, if the political parties concerned accept them, and not to talk about a tripartite formula that everyone wants, especially the president of the Republic. Out of the movement of the future.

Sources close to the "Center House" that the Egyptian Prime Minister forms a government as soon as he sees that things are still normal, but that does not mean the continuation of the sway, and therefore the president-elect, who can not give up his powers

Berri-Hariri meeting

The sources expected that it would be held at a level of importance over the next two days between Presidents Berri and Hariri, A Ain al-Tinah, the title of the consultation is what happened and gets Developments both of the formation process of the government and the level of conflicts between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces, the most important of which was the fall of the "Arab understanding" of KO and thus the search for the effects of the fall of the agreement on the Christian reality She said that Prime Minister Hariri would put Berri in the nature his efforts in he was absent to cool the political atmosphere in order to form the government in a calm atmosphere, and to this end he asked President Michel Aoun to "wash the hearts". Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jannabal and the leader of the "Forces" party, Samir Geagea, but the two meetings initiated by President Aoun have not achieved the desired goal, although they have been positive: instead of realizing the roadmap agreed by Aoun and Geagea, the dispute between them has erupted on a large scale, including the fall of the "Mahat Understanding", which was leaked to the media by the two parts.

A Quota Agreement

The question that the parties are supposed to answer is: Restore life to the Maghreb agreement? And how? And who is the party or third party that can get into the line of bridging the gap between them? In principle, no third party is interested in the understanding of non-patriarchal Maronite Christians, who have long played a role in bringing together distances and the unification of Christian ranks. The revelation of the "Maghreb understanding" He left negative reactions to other Christian forces, namely the Phalange Party and the Al-Marada movement, which in agreement with the forces and the current considered a repeal of these forces and a blow to the diversity that is the advantage of this country. After a meeting of this bloc in Benshei, it is also devoted to the principle of quotas (19659003), and in the information that the Maronite Patriarch Bishara Al-Raya will take the initiative upon his return from Rome this after -Midi to the "Invite representatives (deputies or ministers) on both sides of the agreement at the meeting in Bkerke to humiliate the atmosphere and try to resolve what happened, noting that Bkerke We will not accept the return of things and therefore the return of tension between Christians, and the rejection of others is another. "

What is striking in this context, is what it suggests. Christian sources Close to the atmosphere of Baabda to the "brigade" to deal with the relationship between "current" and "forces", she sees no conception but notes that there are two issues governing the concept of relationship between the parties: "paper of intentions" announced to Rabieh What promotes the Christian-Christian reconciliation and is not disputed because it is a national problem and an "understanding of the land" that is sometimes prone to conflict political and sometimes to understanding

. This is the political aspect of the relationship, it is possible that we disagree with the policy or agree, but that does not hurt

"Hashtag Al-Thawin" [19659003] However, this official approach could not hide that the explosion of the crisis between "current" and "forces" is rapidly developing towards the Christian Street, where it explodes on the docks The social networking sites are a war that has reached a high level of escalation, and the terminology used (according to the terms of the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation) has reached the limit of betrayal.He has been active on Twitter, "Hashtag": "- Lebanon has been established, "but this war remained on the scene of communication, without reaching the TV channels belonging to the parties, in the As the military sources predicted in the OTV station, noting that the trend was based on the viewer's point of view , with the exception of a few transitional or indirect elements, through the media and popular reactions through the media. [57] The sources of Hezbollah, however, were more pessimistic, waiting for the week to be no different from its predecessors in relation to the formation of the government. There are no breakthroughs expected, but more severe expectations with the insistence of some sizes on the bulge In the absence of clear perceptions of the solution on the President's line, as indicated in the introduction to the evening bulletin of the station "Manar", which emphasized that the national consensus on the speed of fatherhood became urgent, avoid approaching the black holes can lead to an economic and social return unknown The Ministry Public Information stated that this action taken by the board of directors of the Foundation "was aimed at preventing embarrbadment and interference. And intermediaries After some banks have had trouble approving all applications for housing loans, all the terms of the memorandum of cooperation have been signed between the institution and the Association of Banks and d & # 39; other recourse at the discretion of the borrowers.

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