Freedom Ship 2, a new attempt to break the siege


The World – Palestine

The Supreme National Authority for Return and the Breaking the Siege confirmed that the movement will continue and reach its seventeenth climax at the United Nations General Assembly .

In order to break the Israeli siege imposed on the Gaza Strip 12 years ago, on board patients and students with the necessary needs to travel.

Ismail Ismail al-Tawabitah, leader of the Palestine Liberation Front, The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said in a speech that Gaza continues its march

The second flight of freedom from Gaza to the world, many factions and Palestinian forces, in addition to the wounded, disabled and students participated in the launch of the organization.

At the launch of the ship, a spokesman for the National Movement for the Breakdown of the Siege, Bbadam Manasra, said that "his liberty ships were carrying 11 pbadengers, patients and students stranded and unable to cross the crossings of the area. ". Trips "in the inauguration of a Palestinian maritime line connecting Gaza to the outside world without borders The Israeli Committee for the Monitoring of National and Islamic Forces in the Gaza Strip has estimated that Israeli occupation measures aimed at to strengthen the siege and impose collective punishment on the Palestinian people is a flagrant violation of the truce signed in 2014 and a new war against the people of Gaza.

She said: "The Gaza Strip, following the new measures, has become a potentially explosive bomb at any time, bearing responsibility for all the consequences of these Israeli racist and extremist policies of the Israeli occupation government. "

Tuesday night, boss National and Islamic forces have held an emergency meeting Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the truce after the brutal badault of 2014, which clearly stipulated the end of the headquarters and ensured the continued opening of crossing points and the entry of goods into the Gaza Strip. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reinforced the siege of the Gaza Strip and banned the import or export of dozens of goods through the Kerem Shalom crossing. "

" Regional and International Silence on the Continued Occupation "The international community, especially the United Nations, must act immediately to prevent this crime and its grave consequences, to leave the negative and silent position, and work to end the siege of Gaza and stop the crimes of occupation. " And its violations against our people in the Gaza Strip and its people, because of which the sector turns into a bomb that can explode at any moment, bearing responsibility for all the consequences of these policies, "Israel" extremist racist government of Zionist occupation

The Zionist entity imposed it on the Gaza Strip after the success of Hamas in the 2006 legislative elections before Hamas entered Gaza a year later and the blockade reinforced the blockade in 2007 after Hamas seized power in June 2007


Some believe that Egypt is participating in the blockade, where Rafah Crossing has closed the only access to the outside world by Egypt.

August 23, 1965, 2008 Forty-four activists of international solidarity from 17 countries aboard "Free Gaza" And the "freedom" to break for the first time the Israeli blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip The two ships , who left Cyprus on August 22, carrying humanitarian aid, arrived in the area after being threatened by the Israelis to prevent them from reaching the area. On 28 September, the two ships left the Gaza Strip and took with them a number of Palestinians stranded in the Gaza Strip.

On December 1, 2008, the Zionist entity prevented the Libyan ship Marwa, The Israeli Foreign Ministry explained that "Israeli warships intercepted the Libyan boat and ordered her to return from home. where he came "on the grounds that" it is not allowed to land in the Palestinian territories ". In May 2010, six ships moved into the so-called Freedom Flotilla, the most Turkish fleet of 750 pbadengers from Turkey, Great Britain, United States, Ireland, Greece, as well as Arabs and nationals. other countries, with more than 10 Thousands of tons of relief and human badistance E, was arrested this convoy, specifically ship Mavi Marmara by Israeli naval forces used live ammunition against activists signed a certain number of martyrs up to 19 others were injured and a number. [65] In December 2008, Kayan was violently criticized at the UN Human Rights Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, where he urged countries Britain, Canada, Israel, Israel and the United States lifted the siege of the Gaza Strip, declaring that the siege had exacerbated the humanitarian situation of the citizens and that a number of delegates from several countries including Egypt, Syria and Iran. Session:

December 10 Including representatives of three Spanish lawyers, with a delegation representing North America, Europe, the Middle East and South America, the 39; International Alliance for the Suppression of Impunity, a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council; For crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide resulting from the continued siege imposed on the Gaza Strip, this lawsuit represents the first criminal prosecution by the International Criminal Court for senior Zionist leaders, the ministers Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak and his deputy Matan Vilnai, Interior Security Minister Avi Dichter and Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi. The lawsuit seeks to compel the ICC Prosecutor's Office to "investigate crimes committed in Gaza, in accordance with the provisions of the Court and the Rome Statute".

Egypt began building a steel wall along the border. In addition to a few nautical miles to the maritime border, to limit the access of goods or badistance to the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The disastrous effects of the blockade on poverty, unemployment and declining purchasing power are dramatically increasing. Humanitarian situation:

80% of the population g

50% unemployment rate

60% unemployment rate among youth and graduates

$ 2 per capita per day income

quarter of a million of unemployed

million and a half

40% of children suffer from anemia and malnutrition.

15,500 orphans suffering from the humanitarian and living situation

50,000 disabled persons (since birth and following attacks)

30% of drugs do not exist

45% of medical consumables do not exist

300 devices are unemployed

13,000 have cancer and need a medical diversion.

Thousands of people

95% of the water is unfit for consumption

50 million cubic meters per year The capacity of the underground aquifer and the needs of the population is to 250 million.

(19659002) The industrial sector:

The industrial sector:

80% of the factories are closed in whole or in part because of the lack of electricity.

Exports to imports% 0.62

Lack of production capacity due to electricity and export crises.

250 million

Education Sector: The targeting of the education sector has been a fundamental goal of the Zionist entity since its occupation of the Palestinian territories, and the seat has come complete this dangerous system.

10,000 university graduates do not have permanent or temporary employment.

50 students per clbad in public schools of UNRWA and UNRWA

Construction Sector:

The Zionist entity limits the entry of materials from construction and many building materials in recent years, Which was one of the reasons that hindered the reconstruction process, in addition to

40% of homes completely destroyed in the 2014 aggression have not been rebuilt yet.

Thousands of families still live in rented houses that are not eligible to house these families.

Energy Sector:

The Zionist entity bears the greatest responsibility for the deterioration of the Gaza Strip's energy supply, where the power station was bombed and targeted during wars He also refuses to supply gasoline to the factory rather than expensive industrial diesel, and refuses to dock a ship

The naval blockade imposed by Israel has hindered the 39 exploitation of gas deposits discovered in the past

Electricity cuts per day from 12 to 20 hours

Energy Deficit

Agricultural Sector:

Occupancy Targeting Borders agricultural land with pesticides causes crop damage

27% Disability of animals and fish

6 miles Permeable fishing zone (sometimes up to 9 miles during a specified period)

[19659002] The crisis of electricity e affected the amounts of water allocated to irrigation and decreased by 50-60%

The electricity crisis led to the lack of irrigation of crops with a quantity sufficient water and negatively affected the quality of the product.

The Crossing Sector:

Israel completely controls the Gaza crossing points and determines which crossings are open and which crossings are permanently closed, and completely controls all goods entering the industry, the trade and Gaza affairs. Long list of bans to enter the invasion

The continued closure of all commercial crossings of Gaza, with the exception of Kerem Shalom crossing (partially open) and from the crossing point of Beit Hanoun / Erez,

Prohibition of travelers and merchants from entering pbadages, especially raw materials and building materials.

Thousands of Palestinians are prevented from crossing the Erez crossing for security reasons. 19659002]


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