Full time right and deserve a fair and equitable turn


Hourly contractors from the Lebanese University organized a sit-in in front of the university, issuing a statement read by Dr. Hamed Hamid, in which he said:

"We stay today. in front of this academic building "1965:" The great injustice still suffered by entrepreneurs deserves a fair and just response from you, at a time when we no longer understand the real reasons for the obstruction of the file, or delay it

What do you expect from a homeland subject to its elites? "

He added:" Your story, your responsibility, your accomplishments will be a testimony to you, and the l & # 39; history will not have pity on you, so we repeat the need to work in accordance with the requirements of conscience and duty.You are the most knowledgeable and knowledgeable to rotate the angles and find a formula that please everyone, because we are frankly disgusted with your differences and have studied your records, which gave us that despair, oppression and expectation. "

We must stand in the wrong face to condemn, and we condemn in the strongest terms the National President's offensive has approached our university, Professor Fouad Ayoub, and we are witnessing it. pure national direction, good management of university affairs, and issues just cause.This position is dictated by our national duty to a trustworthy president to build our cause, and because of that, the most vicious campaigns, and to our right, that some are trying to erase and flee with sectarian slogans and a false charter.
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