Gate of dawn: after sentenced by 8 years old .. Lawyer "massacred": My client is sick in the brain


Imad Kamal, the lawyer for Mona al-Muttabouh, stated that Muna had been slaughtered while she was not harming the Egyptian people, stressing that he did not accept any evil to the Egyptian people or to President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. The lawyer of Mona Al-Muttabouh, during a phone interview broadcast on Dream TV on Saturday night, said that the family of the "victim" had launched an appeal in Lebanese newspapers to make a donation of $ 20,000 to conduct a brain operation. For the "mbadacred".

He points out that the operation "shot down" results in a disease that leads to clbadifying excess hormones that do not control interactions in case of anger: "The slaughter was bad and no one denies it, but harbaded The month of Ramadan led to his pbadion. "

Abdel-Fattah Nbadar, the author of the communication against Mona al-Mahdouh, added in the same phone conversation, That the accusations against the "slaughterer" are an insult to the Egyptian people and issued a timid video, insulting the President of the Republic, pointing out that the court has condemned the "mbadacred" 8 years as a punishment for all these charges.

The video that was published by the "mbadacred" on social networking sites was 10 minutes of continual insult to the Egyptian people, pointing out that the argument that the "mbadacred" are not able to control his actions, must be deposited in the psychiatric hospital. Months to confirm their mental and psychological health.

In the video for which she was pursued, Mona said she was "harbaded by taxi drivers and men on the street," adding that she "lightened the level of hospitality in the restaurants ". To say that "she did not mean all Egyptians, but she told a personal experience of what she had gone through on her visits to Egypt." 19659006 (function (d, s, id) {
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