Geagea: I hope that Aoun will stay with me all the time


The leader of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, has confirmed that the "strong republic" that we seek is not the republic desired by Plato because it transcends the capabilities, facts and facts in a country like the Lebanon, which carries decades of "infidels" committed by the hands of Genoa against him and his people with corruption, favoritism. This is true in terms of "worthy of status", but at the very least, a country that is not threatened with suicide at any moment due to lack of wisdom in political manipulation supposed to have a degree of responsibility that qualifies him to handle public affairs. "

Mr. Geagea answered a question about what he would do if he was the first person in charge of the country and would have the key to the decision at this point, pointing out that the cabinet meeting was the only one in the world. the most urgent and necessary step before anything else. The gendarmerie in which the country has descended needs the declaration of the state of financial and economic emergency and the political alert to cope with the collapse.

He added: "The question is simple does not require studies, starting with the application of all the steps required in the files to be processed and by highlighting the major imbalances that they contain, without being placed on the path of solution and implementation, and more importantly:

– The closure of illegal crossings, a process that is not complicated as described by some, is lacking only in the political decision. The army and the security services concerned have all the elements allowing them to implement the decision immediately after it is made, and all the arguments and excuses are dispelled when it is published.

– Control customs smuggling through legitimate crossing points, which several officials have reported.

– Organization of the electricity sector starting with the appointment of a new board of directors after the four-month period allowed to complete the task without moving a finger, not only in because of the bartering process between some political forces in unfinished appointments, Political Quotas and narrow borders. In addition to electricity, Geagea added that the regulator is expected to organize the sector and cut the way for transactions and brokerage that will weigh on the public treasury, open a bleeding flow and accelerate the plan. electricity approved by the government for months.

– Suspension of contracts of 5,300 jobs in violation of the decision of termination of employment and found by the Finance and Budget Committee.

– Involve the private sector in the management of the port of Beirut or transfer it to a joint-stock company after the appointment of a board of directors succeeding the current one, which has been in service for over 30 years.

Geagea pointed out that "these immediate measures, to name just a few, would generate billions of dollars in public finances, all of which are necessary reforms of Lebanon to continue its badistance and provide external support".

Mr. Geagea said: "The appointments have taken place and the quotas and the policy of" Marqali Ta Marklak "are not fake, which, until now, prevents the adoption of the mechanism for which we We fight fiercely and will not back down.This mechanism is able to deliver all the effective on the site that deserves, not all calculated on this political team or that, then organized the work of the state and placed on the line of work serious and real production.

In response to a question about President Michel Aoun's message to the House of Representatives to explain Article 95 of the Constitution? Geagea replied: "The article is clear and does not need explanation. The problem is not in the equation and nobody is trying to explode it. There are those who distort things for a specific purpose which has nothing to do with reality All of the above, in some jobs there are not enough candidates of a certain sect for a employment, while those who apply for other jobs may represent the highest level, in most cases employment rates vary from one sect to another depending on the nature and type of employment. He added: "In any case, I do not see the envelope and the climate favorable to the opening of controversial files.The time is no longer available except to declare a state d & # 39; Maximum alert in order to save the economic and financial situation.In terms of the country's incitement to futile debates and to the open Controversial issues, the situation worsens and I hope that the president of the country keeps "everyone" in words and deeds.

And what does he say at the commemoration of the reconciliation of the mountain, which will take place tomorrow after the arrows that were directed to him? Geagea emphasized that "reconciliation is not just a memory, a present and ongoing reality, it sets priorities and our duty to build them and to protect them from harm." Attempts to catch them in the act will not be not forgiven by history. "" March 14th is not just an idea going away, it's a strategic project that embodies a vision of state building " said Mr. Geagea. "The 14th of March is a red line, and those who think that 8 and 14 are no longer present are two contradictory projects that can not meet or cross each other, the current state project and the non-state project. we can only plunder to defend anything that wants to build the state and share the dream, and we stand by it to prevent its targeting. "

As for his views on the Deir Ammar project and his position on it, Geagea pointed out that "our main battle in the previous government was against ships because of waste and suspicious numbers." The state has suffered billions of dollars in losses, but no tangible results, not even the factories and infrastructure it owns.Our basic observation on the electricity plan approved by the government as a prerequisite for its support was its determination to link any temporary solution to a permanent solution, as well as a transparent mechanism for calls for tenders for factories, so we led the battle of the management of tenders. This is supposed to be applied today to the new plants.For the Deer Ammar plant, investors have proposed to resolve the conflict between the state and the Greek investor by completing the project on the b BOT contract, which would unlock large sums for the Treasury while improving the electricity situation. In the cabinet, the ministers voted in favor of this solution in the hope of implementing it as soon as permanent power stations improve the electricity situation. Given the difficult economic situation and the lack of investors in the country, we, as officials, should encourage capital owners to invest in Lebanon within the limits of the legal badets that we aspire to as a party. "

Geagea concluded: "I do not see the end of the regional-international crisis without a change in the balance of power, which will translate, first of all, in Lebanon, to open the way for a state, where there is no decision or authority with the exception of the state.But know that if the developments fall into a military project, the president and the government will not. will not badume their constitutional responsibility to protect Lebanon by preventing Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah from engaging in the war and training Lebanon to implement what he had promised in case Iran would be hit by a military strike.

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