Germany accuses Erdogan of using the Ozil case to strengthen his country's candidacy for Europe 2024


German politicians accuse Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of using Mbadoud Ozil's withdrawal from the German team to revive Turkey's bid for the European Football Cup in 2024 to Costs of Germany

Wolfgang Bousbach in the newspaper Bild Erdogan of the international midfielder of Turkish origin arrives "precisely at the moment when the German federation needs the confidence of other member states of the world." EU. "

Former MP for the Democratic Union of Chancellor Angela Merkel asks," Is this just a coincidence? ?

The European Football Federation (EU) will choose 27 September as the host country of the 2024 version. Germany looks better than Turkey to win the honor of the organization, but it is in a difficult position after the UZEL was accused of racism.

The Turkish president hailed the 29-year-old Arsenal player's decision to retire on the international scene, claiming he was "very dignified". Paul Tsimyak, another leader of the Christian Democratic Union Party, denounced the Turkish intervention in German affairs and said: "Erdogan must immediately stop interfering in German affairs regardless of the opinion of Ozil and Elkay Gondongan. " The two Germans of Turkish origin with Erdogan in May

The first exit of the 2018 World Cup in Russia and the loss of the title that they won four years ago in Brazil, the controversy over the loyalty of the players in Germany.

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