Get to know the 10 best Android apps during the trip


The traveler needs some applications that facilitate travel and travel, from planning to bag preparation, to identifying the country or city, preparing travel documents, booking flights, changing currencies and obtaining Free Wi-Fi Internet Access So pay attention to your fitness during the flight.

Experts recommend a list of the best travel apps for Android phones as follows:

1. Help with the preparation of travel bags

Application PackPoint PackPoint .. All you need to tell him, When and what you will do – the type of travel, work, entertainment , visit to the beach, etc. – The application will create a detailed list of proposed supplies for your bag.

2. Maps for easier navigation while traveling

You can download in advance all the data you need for a city you visit on Google Maps, to use if Internet is not available.

3 – Organizing your flight before the trip

Application TripIt Collect your travel plans in one place and track them with ease, including flights, hotel reservations, Will be visited

Directs flight itineraries and other e-mails related to the trip to a private address.

4 – Find the best flights before and during the trip

Google Flight Service Google Flights is the best alternative to all the applications and services found on flights. Android system and transition to flight service Google Flights . This is not an Android app, but will provide you with a search of flights in all airlines. You can save or share potential flight itineraries, then book a flight directly with the airline of your choice.

5. Exploring airports

The application of Philo FLIO is characterized by its multiple functions, but its most important function is the ability to guide airports around the world. Once installed, the application will complete all types of information on the final flight station, such as interactive maps, meal suggestions and detailed instructions on touch points. Wi-Fi available in the area. ]

7 – Tracking Your Travel Budget

Allows You to Apply Expensify Track your travel budget by simply taking pictures with your phone – or sending invoices and invoices. received by email – Details and organization relevant to the reports.

8 – Searching for Wi-Fi Networks

The application Datally can help you reduce the use of the phone in many ways, but the The most practical feature of your trip is its ability to provide you with an interactive Wi-Fi connection. Fi available nearby. It will let you know if it is pbadword protected and can also help you navigate near one of them with one click.

9. Currency Conversion

The application of XECurrency is one of the best currency conversion applications that supports all the world's currencies and updates prices instantly. It is also available for free or at $ 2 Featured without advertising.

Google Translate is the best because it contains many convenient features such as the ability to instantly translate text through a photo you take with your camera, with the talk mode Conversational Mode which allows you to have a direct dialogue with someone who speaks another language.

Arab news from Yemen: discover the top 10 Android apps during the trip – you can see the original source of the link from the following link: Arabic Yemen and abandons the site of the unit for its entire responsibility on the news content, but the responsibility lies with the original publisher. [ad_2]
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